31 - Bitter

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Kanishka's pov

Things had come back to normal, and I came back to work again, which also meant I had to part with Aarav, and spend time apart from him

Which I did not like. Not one bit.

I guess this is the part where I start becoming toxic and secretly stalking him, and also creeping him out

But hey! Who cares?

He's quite strict about everything though. He said I was becoming too attached to him, and it was not very healthy, so we needed to spend more time apart. And that's the reason I've been wailing the whole day to today

"Kanishka! Can you at least not zone out when I'm speaking?" My supervisor asks, annoyance clearly laced in her tone

"Whatever its break time, I want you back after 20 minutes, and this time bring your brain with you" she says her reply, which is honestly bitter, but I'm too sad to care

I really feel like I need more friends.. Before I had Nandhika to speak to, but since she's gone now and Aarav is trying his level best to try and make our relationship 'healthy', as if there's anything healthy in mafia relationship anyways, I need to find someone else

And that's exactly where the problem settles in..

I don't like humans.

Except for Aarav. Always an exception.

I continue to debate on getting new friends or just remaining a chubby cry baby forever while walking down the canteen, not realising that it was completely empty

Well..No one has come yet I guess..

I'm quickly proved wrong when I hear the sounds of shoes clicking, echoing throughout the whole room

I turn back, but I see a face I've never seen before, he's dressed in a black blazer, doesn't look sick and no patients come here anyways

Oh well..crap..

I slowly try to slip out from another entrance hoping he doesn't notice my existence, but he quickly snaps his head up and smirks at me

He begins to approach me and I make the run for it, quickly ascending the staircase, trying to reach Aarav's cabin as quickly as possible

My heel twists, making me curse my decision if wearing heels, and I fall down face first, panic leaking through my pores

How does Nandhika fight in this thing?

I don't think I've ever wished for her presence more than now. I quickly try to get up, but he rounds around my body and his shoes are in front of me

"Ahh..You fell face first.. Must hurt pretty bad Huh?" he asks mockingly, adding in a chuckle after that

"Now now.. You wouldn't have fallen if you didn't run from me" he kneels down in front of me, making my vision come in contact with his cold face that has a slight smirk on it

The only thing is.. The smirk resembles someone.. A bit too much

And I know exactly who it is.

I wake up and he stands with me, full on smirking now as if he has won everything

"Quite the smart one aren't you? Sadly.. Your body isn't as strong as your mind" he sighs after saying that, looking me over

I stare into his lightened obsidian eyes, eyes that I know too well..the eyes I love

Although on him they just look like rotten black grapes. Rotten. Like his soul.

"Now get up, will you? I want to talk to my Daughter-in-law in a proper way" he smiles and stands up, waiting for me to do the same

"There's nothing to talk about, you bast*rd" I say, getting up and glaring at him

"Oh is that a scar I see.. He found someone worthless just like him, huh?" he asked as his gaze met the scar I have below my eyebrow

"Well... 'worthless' people like us exist, because disgusting people like you do" I spit out at him, trying to seem more intimidating than I actually am

Both of our attention is snapped towards above the stairs as we hear the sound of a door closing

"Its sad we only got so much time.. See you later, my dear sweetheart" he says going past me, but I quickly feel a sting in the side of my elbow, and raising it up, I find a fresh slash cut through the skin, starting to bleed

I look back at the despicable excuse of a human being walking away, and eventually turn away, deciding to bandage it up before Aarav sees it and fusses over it for 3 weeks.

But clearly, I can't be saved from that, because the very next moment I turn around, my nose hits a hard chest and arms wrap around me to keep me from falling

He looks down at me softly but his face goes rigid as his eyes go to my wound

"I fell, I think it was the railings or something" I lie, because lets be honest, if I don't he's gonna run the whole hospital down and them blame himself for not being there

"The railings are blunt Kanishka" he says narrowing his eyes at me. Damn.. Why does he have to be such a good observer?!

"Well.. I don't know what it was..something sharp" I mumble, hoping I can just pull the dumb card on him

He doesn't seem to believe me, but let's it go anyways before dragging me to his cabin to get the wound bandaged

I really don't want to mention his father to him, because it doesn't require rocket science to figure out why he didn't tell me about his father still being alive. He has spoken about his mother before, and he loves her very clearly. So his trauma has to come from somewhere, and I have a pretty good guess who it's from

He makes me sit on his lap, slowly wrapping it in a bandage, making me happy that he's finally paying attention to me instead of telling me to study or something because that's how a 'healthy relationship' should work

Maybe I should just fall sick or get injured a few times..

Ciao everyone!!
Before you comment about how clingy Kanishka is, let me tell you the reason
It's quite difficult to be away from someone if you have paranoid personality disorder, and Aarav knew what he was getting himself into ok?
So please don't hate on her clinginess, because everyone deserves some love
I also don't know why I kept typing Aishani instead of Kanishka, maybe its a sign that I need to edit Knots Twisted.. I'll get around to that.. Eventually
Anyways yeah, sorry for not updating for a while although I did maintain once a week.. But its kind of at the end of the week.. So.. *shrugs*
Anyways, I'll see you guys next week
Till then,
Love you loads
Take care
Ciao 😊 😊

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