early confession

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(U) prospective

I groggily slump out of my bed with a grown throwing on a blood red crop top with some black rip jeans 'who cares about dress code' I think looking at my self in the mirror before I lazily open my frigid pulling out some left over pancakes I made yesterday "it's 9 already? I doubt they'll mind if I'm late~" I tell my self counting to eat my food in no rush before I finish shoving the last delicious pice of food into my mouth getting up with a sigh and walking out the door making my way to my new school "Dame it this sucks I have to hike a fucking mountain! are you kidding me?" I grumble to myself as i walk up a mountain to get to my new hill top class 'class 3E to be exact the end class' when I finally get to the top of the mountain I spot a small shack of a building "seriously? This place can't be qualified as a school more like a psycho word" I say to my self "you'll fit right in then" someone says behind me and I glare turning around to face a red headed boy leaning aginst a tree and I flip him off "oh piss off" I hiss and his eye's widen a bit before he smirks "my feisty are we~" he says walking over to me with a cocky ass grin "who in the hell are you and what do you want?" I harshly snap "why good morning to you too the names karma" he says extending his hand for me to shake and I slap it away surprising him I guess because he just kinda stairs at me "I didn't ask" I snarl turning and I start to walk towards the 3E building but- "why in the fuck are you following me!?!" I ask starting to speed walk "I'm just going to my class like any normal kid" the boy shrugs resting his hands behind his head and I slam the door to the small school building open with a huff to be faced with mr.kurasima "oh karma go get to your class your late" kurasima says and karma walks past me with a smirk 'I'm gonna kill that kid' I think with an irk mark "your also late (u) lessons have already started I'm mr.kur-" "yeah yeah your kurasima I know the hold gist where's the octopus?" I ask and kuraima growns rubbing his temple "*sigh* just this way please behave your self" kurasima says and I roll my eye's "fat chance" I retort following him down the hall keeping my hands in my pockets "the kids and the target are in here" kurasima says stoping infront of an old door with a sign labeled "E class" right above it and I shove the door open letting it hit the wall making a loud bang gaining the hole room's attention as I walk in and over to my new "teacher" "oh! You must be our new student please do try not to be late tomorrow but if you will please go on and introduce your self to the class" the octopus says and I turn facing the class examining all the kids in the room for a moment "fuck you all" Is all I say before turning back to the octopus "oh! Is some one in a bad mood~~~" I hear a frimilyar voice tease and I glare at the red headed boy from outside "go fall in a ditch" I bark and he chuckles while I scowl facing koro sensei agin "the names (u) and now that you'v met your match there are a few things you should know get on my nerves and your dead just like the smirking bastard in the back" I say eyeing karma with a scowl "well I do appreciate a challenge it's nice to have you here (u) please take the open seat next to karma" the octopus says and my eye's widen "YOUR INSANE IF YOU THINK IM SITTING BY THAT ASSHOLE!!!" I shout pointing to karma who's wearing a pleasantly amused smirk

karma prospective

"Aww~ I don't bite~" I say "nope! There's no way in hell!! I refuse" (u) shakes her head "um well (u) the seat next to karma is the only open seat" koro sensei says "then I'll sit on the floor" (u) huff's stubbornly "c'mon~ I'm not that bad~" I coo and she ignores me "*sigh* (u) take a seat next to karma I'll let your tardiness slide but you half to take a seat" koro sensei says and I smirk "yeah (u) take a seat~" I tease (u) throws a pencil at me and my eye's widen as the pen whizzes past my face just grazing my cheek "(u)! No throwing things at your class mates your here to assassinate me!" Koro sensei says as his face turns red and (u) smirks looking back at him "did I hit a nerve mr. unkillable?~" (u) says her face just centimeters apart from koro sensei's 'this girl has spunk' I think admiring how she pissed koro sensei off with a few simple words and actions "take a seat" koro sensei instructs "what ever you say octopus" (u) says walking over to the seat next to mine kicking her feet up onto the table resting her eye's and koro sensei starts today's lesson after a little while I get bored and decide to throw a pencil at (u) while she rests her head on her desk napping it bounces off her head and she just puts her hand below her desk flipping me off while keeping her eye's shut and I snicker 'interesting~'

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