Night mere

37 2 1

Sorry for not updating in a while and thanks for the support

Karma prospective
The next day

I hear a knock at the door so I get up and walk over opening the door "who is- oh! (u) how surprising" I say seeing that she's actually here "how's it surprising? You were the one who invited me dumbass" (u) scoffs as I let her in "holy crap this place is huge!! Even bigger than I thought!" (u) says with her jaw dropped "you just came so you could see the houes didn't you?" I question sweat dropping "of cores i did what did you think? That I came here to hang out with you?" (u) says rolling her eye's and I laugh

(u) prospective

"you have any idea's on how to kill the octopus?" Karma ask's as me and him sit down in the living room whitch is like the size of the hole 3E class school building and there are couches and sofas everywhere and a huge tv hanging up on the wall "(u)? You in there?" Karma ask's waving his hand infront of my face and I snap out of my trance "sorry just couldn't help it what was the question?" I ask "what do you think the next Assassination attempt should be?" Karma ask's "hmm? Iv already tried to poison him so we should probably go away from food poisoning you tried to jump off a cliff witch ended terribly so the only thing I can think of is a sneak attack" I shrug "that could be interesting what do you have in mind?" Karma questions "not sure I guess we could- *GASP*!"  "What is it?! Did you get an idea?" Karma ask's and I nod eagerly "karma! You have some anti koro sensei beads here right!?" I ask excitedly and karma nods "go grab em! I have an idea!" I grin and karma leaves for a minute before returning with a box of the pink beads "I'm not sure if it's possible but hear me out what if we make these into a gas" I say and karma's eye's widen but then he sighs "that would be a good idea if we had access to chemicals like that" Karma sighs "I didn't think about that.... ok well what about this-"

Time skip 6 o'clock
Karma prospective

"Well I'm gonna head home karma thanks for having me over" (u) says waving as she walks to the door but I don't want her to leave yet "Hay wait (u) would you wanna stay and have somthing to eat?" I offer "oh.... yeah sure I guess dinner wouldn't hurt" (u) shrugs and I try my hardest not to show how glad I am as we both walk to the kitchen "what do you like?" I question looking over at (u) "umm... not sure I'm good with what ever" (u) says "oh?~~" I ask in a sing song tone with raised eye brows "never mind asshole you'll try and poison me do you have miso soup or something?" (u) huff's sitting down at the island in the middle of the kitchen "yeah but are you sure that's all you want? There's no food shortage or anything" I say "just miso soup I'm not particularly hungry" (u) says "ok then" I shrug grabing a small packet of miso soup blend before boiling some water

(u) prospective

"I didn't expect it but I have to admit Your not a bad cook" I say cleaning my dish off after I finish eating dinner "is that a compliment?" Karma ask's with an amused questioning look and a shrug "thanks for dinner" I wave walking to the door after iv grabbed my bag "ill walk you it's dark out" karma says "you don't think I can take care of myself?" I snap with a glare "no I just don't think it would be polite not to walk my guest home" karma says matter a factly "Oh yeah cuz your always polite" I say sarcastically rolling my eye's playfully  as me and karma walk down the street

Small Time skip
Karma prospective

"Karma" (u) calls "karma there are people following us" (u) whispers "karma!" (u) says louder "be quite I know just act normal" I say under my breath grabing (u)'s hand so she hopefully doesn't try and take these guy's who are following us on in a fight "hay what are you!?-" "relax" I say keeping my eye's forward even tho I'm tempted to look over at (u) to see her flushed face but I don't and after walking for a while we aproch (u)'s apartment but I pull her right past keeping her hand glued tightly to my side so she doesn't try walking to her apartment complex "karma we passed my apart-" "we're not going to your place if we do they'll know we're you live" I tell (u) keeping my voice down "well then we're are we going??" (u) ask's and I wonder for a little bit before I take my phone out of my pocket and call koro sensei "hay koro! Me and (u) we're wondering if we could swing by your place?" I ask "your being followed?" Koro sensei ask's quickly catching on to my charade "yeah that sounds grate" I say "we're are you?" Koro sensei ask's "we should be there soon we're on 24th street by the ice cream shop" I say "are ether of you hurt?" Koro sensei questions "Nah I hate sushi I'll call for pizza" I say "how far away are you from the school?" Koro sensei ask's "we'll be there in 5 see you then" I say hanging up the phone "Karma this is not the time to!-" "I called koro sensei he's waiting for us at the school" I tell (u) "oh I see"

(u) prospective

"Hay sensei guess who's here" karma says as me and him walk inside of the school building and he finally let's go of my hand but I half to admit I kinda miss his warmth "just in time! It looks like it was just about to rain now please sit down what happened? Are you ok" Koro sensei ask's "yeah we're alright" karma shrugs "I think he was asking me and yeah I'm alright" I sigh sitting down at one of the tables "that's wonderful to hear if you would grant me just a moment I'll go and deal with your stalkers" koro sensei says disappearing and karma sits down across from me kicking his feet up onto the table resting his eye's while having his hands placed behind his neck for support "are you sure your ok?" Karma ask's with one eye open "yeah I'm fine" I say turning my attention to the window "It's raining..." I mumble 'all these memories resurfacing all at once..... it's kinda overwhelming' I think putting my head down and just like that koro sensei reappears "no reson to fear your pressures will never be following you agin (u)" koro sensei says and I sigh picking my head back up "thanks teach" I say and karma pouts "do I not get a thanks?" Karma ask's playfully "oh yeah thanks I guess" I say

Karma prospective

After koro sensei gives (u) a lesson on how to lose a stalker he leaves to go write up some tests for next week and I doze off staring up at the ceiling with a book covering my face "karma I'm gonna go back to my apart-" I grab (u)'s wrist as she stands up from her seat "what?" (u) ask's in a borad tone and I let the book side off my face and onto the ground "it's to late to go back it's drinking hour I'm sure you'd just run into trouble" I say "so what? I'm supposed to stay here?" (u) ask with a cocked eye brow "well yeah" I nod shrugging "*sigh* alright it makes no difference to me but karma?" (u) calls "hmm?" I hum as iv closed my eye's "you can let go of my wrist now" (u) says "Aww..."

Time skip koro sensei's passed out in his office and kurasuma has given up on Assassination attempts for he night
(U) prospective

It's been oddly nice and quite normally around karma everything is crazy and wacked up but it's peaceful almost too peaceful I look over at karma who's stairing into space and looks lost in deep thought I scoot a little closer to see if he's awake and he lazily looks over at me with an almost concerned expression catching me off gaurd "what's the matter with you?" I ask trying to sound like I'm disgusted but to my dismay I sound like I'm actually concerned karma doesn't respond to me and stairs at me for a while creeping me out "karma?" I question "You'll call me right? If this ever happens agin?" Karma ask's and I chuckle "I'll think about it" I shrug playfully "(u-" "I'm kidding karma I'm kidding I'll call you" I laugh

Karma prospective

just like the first time I hurd it I catch my self stairing at (u) in aww hearing her laugh it's beautiful and it makes her personality even more intriguing and captivating I can't look away "Oi karma you in there?" (u) ask's waving her hand infront of her face and I snap out of it "why wouldn't I be" I shrug resting my hands behind my neck and luckily for me it's dark enough that (u) can't see the slight blush spread across my cheeks

Time skip it's 11 at night
(u) prospective

"(u) we have school tomorrow go to sleep or you'll fall asleep in class agin" karma tells me "I'll take a nap even if I did sleep the night before" I say "just go to sleep if your worried some one's gonna brake in koro sensei is in his office if anything happens we'll be fine" karma says as he's sat on the floor leaned aginst the wall while attempting to go to sleep I just stair at karma not saying anything for a few moments before he opens his mouth agin "*sigh* what will it take for you to go to sleep?" Karma ask's "You have to fall asleep first" I say "Alright" karma shrugs closing his eye's and easily with in a few minutes his breathing slows and his expression softens it's odd he looks so peaceful it's kinda cute i have to admit hesitantly I sit 5 feet away from karma leaning aginst the wall before closing my eye's and the night mere begins

Karma prospective

I wake up hearing shuffling and yawn looking around but when I spot (u) flailing her arms and feet kicking at air i realize she's having a night mere I crawl over to her and grab her shoulder shaking her but she doesn't wake instead she gasps and thrashes her arm striking at me just missing my face "(u) (u) wake up it's just a dream" I say she doesn't open her eye's so I shake her one more time and finally her eye's shoot open She grips onto my shirt tightly with shaking hands and a look of pure horror "k-karma" (u) says as her voice cracks and I pull her closer to me hugging her tightly "it's ok everything's alright" I tell (u) creasing her hair to try and calm her

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