Dear Sister's Advices

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As Skeleton back to his cave,he start to roaming into a tunnel.It so deep and dark,but he used to the enviroment.He kept walking until the end of the tunnel.In the tunnel,there had a portal with many emerald ore around the cavewall.
He enter the portal,where he been brought to The Nether,where everything were surrounded with lava and very hot.Then,he saw a female wither skeleton patrolling the nether castle.The Wither Skeleton saw him and wave at him.She teleport in front of him and give a big hug.

W.Skeleton:Aww...what's my lil' bro doin' at her?

Skeleton:Heya,sis...umm.Can I talk to you for a moment?

W.Skeleton:Of course!At the other side?


At the other side...

W.Skeleton:So...what's up?

Skeleton:These a present from someone,it's for you *hand a wrapped box*

W.Skeleton:What's this? *unbox the present*

Inside the box,these an ender pearl that been made as a necklace.

W.Skeleton:*gasp* Enddy~! How sweet you are.

Skeleton:Wait,you and Ender havin' a relationship!? I thought you guys just crushing!

W.Skeleton:No,we just make out 2 months ago. *put the box back*

Skeleton:Huh,I don't realized that before...*sigh*

W.Skeleton:Skel...are you okay? just...I think I'm in love...

W.Skeleton:*grin*oooo~ who's the lucky girl?

W.Skeleton:Wait a minute...It's a guy!?


W.Skeleton:Lemme guess...Zombie?


W.Skeleton:I knew it,it was him~


W.Skeleton:C'mon,bro.I'm your sis.I know all 'bout my bro.Beside,the way you look at him show's everything.

Skeleton:*nervous chuckle*...h-how did i look at him...?

W.Skeleton:Like you wanted to kiss him...aggresively. *giggle*


W.Skeleton:You'll get throught it.But,if you wanna confess what you feeling on him,it's depends on you.If you need help,I'll be there for you.K, lil' bro?

Skeleton:...thank you,sis.*sniff*

W.Skeleton:Oh,don't cry.It's okay.

Skeleton then hug his sister tight.He think back what's his sister said.After a little conversation,Wither Skeleton back to the Nether,while Skeleton go back to the enterance of the cave.He start to traveling in the forest with hope Zombie were in there.He decided to confess his feeling.

The moon were above the head,Skeleton still searching for Zombie."Where he could be?" He asked himself.


A terrifiying scream echoed in the woods.Skeleton got paralyzed for a moment.He even recognized the scream.He start running,searching the scream.Until he been at a swarmp.He stopped for a moment.His body shaken to the bone.His tears dripping from his eye socket.
The thing that he scared in front his eyes.....


Another one just finished.You must think,"it must Zombie"....


I'm not gonna spoil it!

I'm like this CLOSE!!!!👌 to made a drama!

Anyways,thank you for read this.Wow,you still here?God...

This is so cringe,i just can't stop laughing and crying cuz....LOOK HOW HIDEOUS IS THIS!!!

Bye mah mate.

Love of the Undead:Minecraft (Zombie x Skeleton)Where stories live. Discover now