Authors Note

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Hey all you amazing readers out there who like this story and have gotten this far in it.

First if all thank you so much for reading my story. I read every comment and try to respond to as many as I can.

For all of you wanting me to update this story, I can promise I'm trying. I lost my muse for it a while ago and got other plot bunnies. So I have to start writing them so I could safely save all the plot bunnies for future stories. I'm trying to update this one but have to reread what I have written so far and make sure I don't mess anything up that has already been established. As is I have found a few mistakes I need to go and fix already.

If you enjoy this one then check out my other stories I have written. I'm working on getting most of them published, because there is a lot.

I am currently transferring a few thousand word four chapter story on Archive of our own or AO3 as it's more commonly referred to. It's called The Sins of the Wizarding World and after I have it posted there I will bring it here.

But I'm trying to get all my stories published with at least two or three chapters so you have a little more to enjoy before I go absent on a story.

I apologize for the year long wait for content on this story.

Thank you for all the adds, votes, reads, and comments they mean the world to me.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2021 ⏰

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