Chapter 2

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Eric lead me to English where the teacher was seated behind his desk. I walk up to him and hand him the paper.

"Ah Miss Swan pleasure to meet you." He said signing my paper then looking at me as the whole class does the same when he says my last name.

I hear the whispers of Swan as in Bella's sister or something.

"You can sit in the open seat next to Bella Swan in the back." He says. I turn and see Bella sitting next to one of the model like people from this morning. I walk to the open seat and sit down flawlessly folding myself into the desk so low to the ground. I feel every pair of follow me to my seat with Eric giving me a thumbs up.

"Who are you?" Bella questions me.

"Aw that's sad my own sister doesn't recognize me. It's me dear older sister Ashlynn. Or did you forget I existed?" I I questioned her.

"When did this happen. The hair the black. The makeup? This isn't the Ashlynn I know."

"That Ashlynn died. This is who I am." I tell her following along notes perfectly seeing as I've already learned this.

"What happened?" She asked me. The boy seeming to be at a loss for something.

"Got into an indecent. Got hurt called you for support you never answered or cared to call me back. That Ashlynn is dead. This is who survived. The strong confident you see here." I said

"What happened to you and when?" the boy asked

"Whats it to you. I don't know you I don't care to know you either." I snapped at him.

"I'm Edward Cullen Bella's boyfriend."

"Ah so your the dick you who my best friend forgot about me for. Now I really don't care to know you." I seethed

"Lynn be nice." Bella interjected

"Don't call me that. You lost that right when you abandoned me. I needed you Bella. I needed you at my worst and you weren't their. You couldn't even call me back. A year Bella. A year without contact from you. A lot can happen in a year Bella."

"I can't figure you out." Edward says offhandedly. That snaps Bella's attention right to him as they start to communicate with their eyes.

As the bell rings I'm the first one up and out the door. I damn near run into another of the kids who were with Bella this morning, this time tall blonde girl. Shes as tall as me in shorter heels and dressed in much more expensive clothing.

"I'm sorry I'll be going now." I rush out side stepping her. But she reaches out and grabs my wrist.

"Where are you off to?" She asks me.

"AP chem." I tell her handing her my times table

"1st 3rd Bella 1st 4th Edward 2nd Me 4th Jasper 6th Alice Lunch all of us" I hear her Mutter the she adds louder"I have chem with you come on this way." She again grabs my wrist and starts walking.

Why do these people insist on dragging me places. And why the fuck is her hand ice cold. She lets go of my wrist and we enter the the class room. I walk up to the teacher and hand him the paper for him to sign.

"Ah Miss. Swan, I got an email from your previous professor and seems your ahead of the rest of us. So I'm going to have you work on this to see what all you still need to learn before the AP test." He tells me.

"Sir, I was in a Junior level college chemistry class. I'm pretty sure I already know the material."I told him taking the test and my signed paper he handed me.

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