Chapter 2 "2 Girls 1 Guy"

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A/N: I thank icbfxn once again for helping me in improving this chapter!!!!
Chapter 2

Another boring day in school for Kate, but not totally boring. Kate has a switch. Somehow that switch has something that has to do with her life.

When she does not feel like interacting with people, she is the girl who is quiet and ignores or only talks less. That is when the switch is off...

If the switch is on, she loves to interact with people talk a lot and act all hyper. It's weird and she knows it, and some have met her off side.

Kate barged in the classroom and greeted everyone a good morning. Her classmates greeted back when she looked around the classroom, looking for a particular someone. Too bad, she didn't find 'him'.

When she saw Ella walk in the classroom her mood brightened up. They weren't exactly what you'd call best friends-- they're talking buddies, rather. You know why? They both like the same guy. Kate and Ella 'did' use to be best friends, but they've drifted apart when they found other friends to talk to.

"Ella!" She called out.

"Oh, hello Kate. Good morning!" Ella replied.

"So did anything happen yesterday? Did I miss anything?" Kate teasingly eyed her, nudging her lightly with her elbow.

Ella blushed, it must mean something happened! "Something did happen. Something unexpected from 'him'..." She responded.

"Ooh... Tell me! Tell me!" Kate prodded on, smiling even though she was hurt just by how Ella blushed. So something did happen... she thought sadly.

"He k-kissed me on the forehead..." Ella's cheeks were bright red, and she hid her face in her hands trying to stop herself.

"She's jealous~!" Harry whispered behind Kate.

"Oh shut up, you. I'm not jealous!" She denied. She is jealous. Very jealous, because yesterday he kept on shooing her away.

"I can see it in your eyes, woman!" Harry teased as he poked her cheek.

Kate rolled her eyes, clearly annoyed, and slapped his arm. "Ouch! I was only teasing!" Harry complained.

"Your fault!" She plodded to her seat, her heart sinking down to her stomach.

Kate's POV

"I shouldn't be jealous! He doesn't even like me back. Why do I still like him?! He only causes me pain! I hate this," I murmured to myself, not really aware of who was around me.

"Just who are you talking to?" Speak of the devil and he shall appear. I looked behind me and there 'he' was, in all his charming, annoying glory. Jake.

"You heard everything I said?" I asked nervously, I don't want him to know...

"Nope, not all. Only the 'I hate this' part." He said as he took his seat behind me.

Why did he have to sit behind me?! He is only using me because I'm a geek. Because I'm smart, get high grades and all that. If I wasn't smart, he wouldn't choose to sit behind me, of all people. He's only using me, yet I still like him.

"Oh, okay. That's good. Hey, can you play tonight?" I deliberately asked him.

"Yeah, I can." He said.

"Game night!" Just with those 2 words, my 3 other male friends wanted to join.

I keep on hanging out with boys for some reason. They're somewhat more fun to be with. I only have a few girl 'friends'. I'm being completely honest. In the bus most of my friends are boys. In the class I keep on hanging out with boys.

I am not a slut!

Hanging out with boys doesn't make you a slut. You can already see that by how I describe myself. I act like a boy and hang out with boys, but I'm still a girl at heart and soul!

*lunch time*

"Hey bro! What's your food for today?" I asked Ryan, one of my guy best friends.

"I have bacon and ham sandwich with extra cheese." He said while eyeing me, as if I'm going to snatch his food. Uh, well, I was planning to do that...

"Buy my chocolate milk!" I gave up after I received his message not to snatch his food. You know how I received the message? It is what you call eye contact. Telepathy between best friends are truly unbeatable.

"Fine..." He said as he walked towards the canteen.

Third Person POV

Kate went back to her seat and pondered while waiting for Ryan to come back with her chocolate milk.

She was still thinking why Jake shooed her away yesterday. She was about to ask him but it would just be awkward. Kate stood up and went to the corner.

"So, why are you sad?" Her other friend, Sally, asked her.

"I'm not sad! Do I look sad to you?" She forced a fake smile. She is sad, she just wants to be alone.

"It's okay if you can't tell me, but don't keep the pain all to yourself, alright?" Sally told her. Kate just nods, burying her face in her arms as she leaned on their table.

I'm such a bad friend. We both promised each other that no one would get jealous. But how? How would I not be jealous? I really should stop liking him. He's not the one for me. There's no chance. I'm not important to him... Kate thought as she went back to her seat and those thoughts start to fade in the back of her head. She felt like drifting off, and soon she falls into a light sleep.

Kate woke up by the noise of her classmates. They were so noisy. "Just shut up..." She whispered to herself.

Everyone went back to their seats as the teacher entered the classroom. "Class, I'm sorry for being late. Can someone tell me what our lessons were, yesterday?" Our teacher Mr. Devon said.

Kate's POV

I raised my hand, hoping to get called, but I wasn't called at all. Instead, it was Jennah. It's always about her. Jennah this, Jennah that!

She is also a close friend of mine, but I am envious of how the teachers trust her so much. We are happy for each other, but there are times when we are also envious of each other. Damn it.

I scribbled on my paper not knowing what to do. I remembered that Ella was being noticed by Jake while he always brushed me off. Has he forgotten me already? Tired of me? Am I too clingy? Does he not care about me anymore? So much questions left unanswered. 'There are things better of not knowing,' says my consciousness.

I was also kissed on the cheek by him. But that kiss bears no meaning for Jake. He only treats me as a 'bro' and a 'geek'.

We both like him. But which one of us does he like more?

Ella. Of course it's Ella. I'm happy and envious of her. I want to celebrate for her at the same time I want to break her. My mind is so full of bad thoughts. I keep on feeling envious towards my friends. I need to stop this immediately or I'll end up ruining everything.


A/N: So, I got 5 views. I bet no one added this to their library. If you have seen this chapter, then lemme apologize.

I'm soo sorry for being a crappy author. If I was a good writer, this book would have gotten lots of views and votes. But I suck, so I get no votes, comments, or shares.

There, I said it my kawaii ponies! I said it. I also thank you for atleast giving me 5 views. I mean, honestly it is better than one.

I hope you guys will look forward to the next chapter. Bye bye my kawaii ponies. I'll do my best to update to those who actually read the story!

Update: OMG. I have 80+ views.... I'm so happy. Thank you!!!

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