Chapter 3 "Bother me and you'll be seeing a scar on your face"

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Kate woke up early, and by early she woke up at 5:20 am in the morning. She wore her uniform and fixed her ribbon.

Kate was lazy in doing her hair so she just tied it in a low pony tail. She was ready on going to school, except for the fact she had to do her project in math.

"Math, why do you have to be so difficult?!" She sighed as she wrote down answers.

40 minutes had passed, and it was time for her to go to school. She rode the bus going to school and slept along the way.

When she arrived at school, she ran to her classroom and brought out her project so that she could finish it.

Her head was aching as she tried to answer the difficult problems in Math. A few minutes passed by and she has finally finished answering.

Now she needed to transfer the problems and the solutions on a bond paper. She scratched her head with her left hand and started copying everything.

She finished her project when it was already lunch time and passed it to Jennah.

"Kate! Let's eat together again!" Claire skipped towards her.

"I'm busy, I need to do something... I'll eat alone. Don't worry." Kate smiled as she proceeded to get something in her bag.

"If you say so. Hey, I heard Jennah saying we will have partners since Valentines is near." Claire mentioned as she walked away.

"Valentines? Ugh. I'm probably alone. Again..." Valentines Day is the day where people cuddle with their beloved, but for Kate it is not like that.

Valentines Day for people with no partners is like being killed over and over again. "I heard there's a Jail Booth for Valentines. I'm going there and I'll stay there until the day ends." She thought to herself.

She turned around and saw Jake eating. "So, what's your food?" Kate just wanted a quick conversation with him.

"Sandwich. What about you?" He responded.

"Sausages. Their delicious." Kate answered.

Jake laughed, Kate only needed 10 seconds to figure out why he's laughing.

"Don't think about it that way you dumbass!" She said trying not to laugh.

They are quite malicious minded.

The English teacher walked in and gave them a short quiz about the lesson that she discussed yesterday.

English period finally finished and everyone resumed to talking, laughing, and playing. Kate went to Shera's table and hugged her from behind.

Kate's POV

"Shera. I'm bored..."

"Y-you're hugging me too tight!!" Shera complained as she struggled from my hug.

"Let me borrow your seat for a while." I asked.

"Okay. I'll be sitting here then." She replied.

I layed my head in the table as I thought if various things that caused my head to hurt. I closed my eyes and took a quick nap.

I wasn't totally asleep. I was still aware of my surroundings and I can still all the noise. I heard voices.

"69, 69, 69, 69, 69, 69..." I heard

I didn't mind it knowing that their goal was to bother me.

"Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, Fuck..." They keep on saying dirty words near my ear. It is irritating me.

I tried to pretend not hearing it. But then they keep on whispering "Jake, Jake, Jake, Jake, Jake, Fuck..."

It was very irritating, and I know the owner of this voice, Harry. He keeps on irritating me, what does he want?!

I kept my eyes close hoping they'd just give up and ignore me, but that didn't happen.

*Poke, poke, poke, poke, poke*

Now someone kept on poking my side. Damn it. I really wanna scratch the person who is annoying me.

I opened my eyes seeing a few people gathered around me. I closed my eyes again and they bothered me again.

Finally, they gave their last act and blew near my ear making me punch the person's stomach.

I saw it was Harry, I walked outside because I heard someone say "Dance Practice"

I didn't bother saying 'sorry' him because right now I am so irritated that if someone accidentally hits me, blood would be shed.

"Hey Kate!" Hazel waved. I ignored her because right now I am in a very bad mood.

I walked towards the auditorium and sat at a corner. I saw a paper and a pen and I wrote there 'Bother me in my sleep and I'll make sure you can't go to school ever again'.

I hid the paper when the practice started. I said sorry to Hazel for ignoring her. I also told her the reason why I ignored her.

The practice ended and everyone went to their classrooms and fixed their stuff. School was dismissed and everyone went home.

Right now, I'm having a headache. I need to drink medicine as soon as I can.


A/N: So how was it? This isn't edited by the way. Sorry if I have any misspelled words and grammatical errors. My kawaii ponies, thank you so much for the 100 views!!

I'm so happy. I hope that you would vote and comment! Please be patient for the next chapter :3 I'll try doing atleast 3 chapters a week. I'm sorry if I can't keep up with the 3 chapters a week.

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