Chapter 6 "I'm confused"

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Kate ran to her classroom and threw her bag on her desk. She looked at everyone and listened to music. Today was an exciting day... It's the "Sports Festival"!!! Everyone is practicing so that they could claim the top.

Kate was too lazy to practice for the 100m dash. She sighed as she looked at her English book, with no answers. "Why did she have to give us an assignment?" She mumbled.

She saw Ella, Jake, and Sally walk in the classroom together. She didn't say hello or anything like that. When Sally took the seat beside her, she waved her hand.

"Morning." Kate said

"Yeah, Hi, Morning." Sally responded arranging her stuff.

Jake walked past between Sally and Kate. Kate couldn't afford ignoring him. It would be awkward, and she doesn't want to be hated. "Hi Jake, morning!" She greeted.

"Hi, hey Kate what is your sport?" He asked.

"I got 100m dash." She replied as she took out her phone and played games.

"Cool." He walked out of the classroom afterwards.

She also went out of the classroom seeing lots of people play badminton in the hallway. 'This is not a badminton court. You might accidentally hit someone.' She thought.

Kate's POV

I went to the canteen and bought a chocolate drink. I drank it until nothing was left and then threw in a trash can about 5 feet away from me.

I went back to the classroom and saw Jake sitting on my seat. I gestured for him to get out if my seat, but instead he told me to go near him.

I went near him and then he suddenly kissed my cheek. I was shocked, but this time it wasn't obvious that I liked it.

He stood up and went to his seat. I immediately sat down, and sorted out my thoughts. I still can't stop liking him.

-The next Day-

So, the championship match for 100m dash is today. Kate rushed to the court so that she could have enough time to practice.

She stretched for a bit to make sure she won't get hurt during the match or the practice.

After stretching, Kate jogged around the court. After a few laps, she felt ready for the match to start. Kate felt nervous as she saw people go inside the court.

"I hope I don't trip and make a big fool out of myself. I should not trip!" She whispered these words to herself in a quick pace trying to calm herself.

"5 minutes left and the match will begin!" The host announced.

Kate fidgeted and tried to stop the shaking of her knees. Yes, she is very nervous.

After 5 minutes, the court is now filled with people cheering for each contestant. The 4 contestants respectively went to their proper places to start the match.

"Ready... Get set... GO!!"

All of them ran as fast as they can to reach the finish line. Kate slowed down for a bit to conserve her energy. When the finish line was near, she ran so fast as she passed the others.

Kate won first place, earning lots of praise from her other team mates. She felt so proud of herself for winning, she didn't expect to win at all!

As she walked through the hallway with a smile on her face. There were lots of people in the hallway. So she could also hear them gossip.

Her smile disappeared as she heard one of the students gossiping about how Jake and Yasmin were always together.

She continued to walk with her head facing down. 'Idon'twanttoseeanyofthosepeoplementioned.' She thought.

She didn't look at where she was going and ended up bumping into someone. "Sorry! I didn't intend to bump into you!" She quickly apologized.

When she looked at his face, she noticed that the boy was from another section. "It's okay, you're not the only one at fault." He smiled.

She smiled back causing him to blush, which she didn't notice. "I'm Kate! What's your name?" She asked.

"Just call me Nick, see you around Kate!" Nick said as he walked away.

Kate's POV

Who was that guy? Oh wait, he said his name is Nick. Haven't heard about him before.  

I wonder if he is a transfer student... Probably not, we don't receive any transfer students at this time of the year. I guess I just didn't notice him.


I walked to my classroom and opened the door. I scanned the room. "Hmmm... No on-" I stared at the dark figure sitting down at the corner of the room.

"What the hell." I slowly closed the door and prayed the rosary. I opened it again, it was still there.

I opened and closed the door continuously while hoping the dark figure would disappear. In the end I gave up and just went in the classroom not caring if it is haunted or not. I layed my head on my desk and stayed there for about 10 minutes.

"I'm bored!" I complained. When I stood up, someone opened the door. It was Ella. I guess she needed something. I looked at her and said "Hey, what are you doing here?".

Ella glared at me and plodded her towards me. "Did you know that you are--!" 


A/N: Hello, sorry for the delay. I've been so lazy lately. So here is the 6th chapter. The picture that is shown is Han Ji-Min as Kate. I'll be deciding the other characters slowly. So, I hope you enjoyed this chapter :3

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