Chapter 7 "Wait, what"

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Ella yelled. "You are such an idiot!" and karate chopped Kate's head.

"You mother--, daughter of a--.......Aaaarrggghh" Kate groaned in pain.

After the pain subsided, "What was that for?!" Kate burst in rage.

"I heard Jake is going out with Yasmin, I just vented my anger at you. Sorry..." Ella apologized.

"Oh, he already has a girlfriend. Well that was expected." Kate sighed with a gloomy expression.

"It's okay! Let's just hope that everything will be okay for you!" Ella said and place her hand on Kate's back.

"Wait, why only me? What about you?" She asked.

"About that, I have already moved on..." Ella gave her a bashful smile.

"You what? That was so fast! I wish I can easily move on like you!" Kate sighed.

Ella laughed and she gave Kate a good luck hug before she left to go to her new love.


It was another day of news about Jake and Yasmin being all lovey dovey for Kate. "Please don't tell me I still can't get over him." Kate thought.

"Yep, it totally seems like that!" Ella appeared out of the blue.

"Ahhh!" She screamed. "You almost gave me a heart attack idiot!"

"Peace!" Ella smiled.

Kate rolled her eyes and went back to pondering. "I was never good at dealing with guys." She whispered.


It was already summer break, nothing much happened. Only continuous rumors of Jake and Yasmin breaking up, and then Jake being together with Angel.

"Nothing is happening to my life, I am always friendzoned. I hate him for kissing my cheek. I hate him for liking me then stopping immediately!" Kate whined.

1 pm in the afternoon, she received a text from Jake. "I like you."

She was shocked, after she finally stopped liking him. He comes back and say he likes her. "Bitch!!!!" She cursed.

Kate replied, 'You're kidding right?'

He immediately received the reply and quickly wrote his reply.

'I'm not kidding...'

'Hahahaha, you sure?'

'Kate, I will care for you.'

'Okay okay.'

'Ah. I need to go, bye! Love you.'


'Come on, say it too.'

'It's too embarrassing..'

'You're cute when you're embarrassed or shy.'

That line made Kate blush.

'Hahahha, fine I'll say it.'

'I'm waiting'



'Love you! There, now bye!'


After that, She quickly logged out of her facebook account and turned off her laptop.

"Please tell me what he just said was all true and it wasn't a lie." She said and covered herself under her blanket.


A few days later, Jake texted her again.

'I'm back with Angel.'

"Wait, WHAT?! So after he said those stuff to me, he was inly making himself feel better?" Kate was shocked if his news.

She didn't show that she was in pain. 'It's okay, I'm cool with it.'

'You sure?' He asked in the chat, "Well at least he cared." Kate sighed.

'Yeah, it's not like we were a thing anyways...'

'Hahahaha, so true.'

'We're only good friends right?'

'Yep yep, we are good friends!'

Then the chat ended after they said their good byes.

Tears came out of her eyes. "Why do I need to feel this pain?!" She cried.

She was deeply hurt. He said 'I like you' and 'Love you' to her.

Though the truth was he was only looking for someone to comfort him, Kate just happened to like him.

"How could you use me for your self satisfaction?" She sobbed.

Kate stopped crying after a few minutes. She then went out of her room, and drank a glass of water to cool herself.

In the end, she still likes him. "Why can't I stop liking him. He is an ass, why do I like him?!" She questioned herself.

But no matter how many questions she asks herself, she still can't find an answer. "I hate him." She mumbled to herself.


A/N: I wonder what'll happen to Kate. I seriously wonder. Kate might find a new guy in the next chapter!

But will you support her with the new person she likes?

Well, I hope you enjoyed the story. Please comment your opinion about this chapter. Too dramatic in my point-of-view, hahahahahah.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2015 ⏰

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