Winding Down (Vilkas x reader)

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"My love, I just realized something.."

In response you received the tender gaze of what usually would appear as strikingly cold, silver eyes glancing your way. Such beauty, only magnified by the gentle glow of candlelight illuminating your loved one's face.

Those eyes of his flickered to where your fingers busied themselves unbuckling the tedious straps of your armour, a gesture that you knew well as his way of telling you to "hurry". "Oh? And what is that?" His voice, though not nearly as gruff as his twin's, seemed raspier than usual- but not in such a way to indicate agitation, more so as a means to communicate the tiredness he felt.

It had been a long day, after all. Training started a quarter before the sun broke over the horizon, which wasn't any problem to him...instead it was the unwillingness and impatience of the whelps that ate away at your lover's composure. As though that wasn't enough in one day, Vilkas and yourself were sent into the plains to hunt a decent meal- a process that easily took hours to complete. With this all being said, it came as no surprise to you that your mate all but drug you to your shared quarters as soon as the opportunity reared it's head. Not that you were going to complain, especially now that the two of you could spend some quality, hopefully uninterrupted, time together.

Feeling the weight of your armour slump off your shoulders, you couldn't help but give a soft sigh. It was quite possibly the best part of the day, feeling the relief of metal being eased away.

"Well..." You began, trying your damndest to dress down to your tunic and small clothes as fast as possible. "You, my dear wolf, are the only man I know that would find pleasure in reading a boring novel after a day filled with nothing but work.." You tittered, your lips curling into a teasing smile as you playfully pointed towards the worn out book he carefully cradled in his hands.

Much to your pleasure, he gave an amused snort in return. Taking your word seriously, he dramatically set his beloved book down on the stone floor beside the bed and instead motioned for you to take your place by his side, going as far as to lift the furs up to beckon you over.

How foolish of him. You needn't any invitation.

In a comical pace, you happily crawled right into your little shared bed- swinging a leg over his hips before laying down over his upper body, possessively clutching your arms around his shoulders as you nestled into his exposed chest.

"There are many things I find pleasure in, as a matter of fact.." He trailed off, his silver eyes half lidded yet focused as he gently runs his thumb over your cheekbone. "I can think of a few ways I find pleasure that include other forms of over exertion.."

"Shush it. You know we are both way too tired to possibly engage in such activities." "Then I suppose it'll have to wait until morning, now won't it?"

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