Chapter 5- Dinner with the Cages

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A/N: Ava's dress at top

"They've done it again." A deep, unrecognizable voice says. Oh fantastic, random stranger is in the same bedroom as me, I wonder what can go wrong.

A body dips beside me in the bed, warmth instantly surrounding me. Oh, at least I'm not alone.

"That's great, now can you leave me and my mate alone? I was just about to wake her up." Daniel complains. A low chuckle comes out of the other guy's mouth.

"Alright, I'll back off, big bro." Big bro? Daniel has a sibling? I should really attempt to know him better, for all I know he can have another. What's his favorite color anyways? Or food, music, hairstyle, art, or anything else. He's a total stranger to me yet we share a soul.

The door closes, and I open my eyes for the first time.

"You didn't tell me you had a brother." I mutter. His eyes burn into mines.

"Well you didn't ask."

"Now I'm asking." I state.

He rolls his eyes.

"That was my younger brother, Joseph. I also have a sister, Rose. You'll be meeting them today. For dinner."

I repeat his words in my head, trying to let it sink in. I'm going to be having dinner with the Cage's. This wasn't unexpected at all!

"Thanks for the late notice, wouldn't want it any other way." I say sarcastically. What if I needed a mani-pedi or something else that human girls do?

Oh, what am I saying, I'd never do something as ludicrous as that. I don't care what kind of technology the salons have nowadays, I'm not allowing any type of contraption to shift the natural state of my cuticles.

He simply smiles and winks. What a passive aggressive way to say 'I don't give a fuck!'

"You've been scheduled to have a dress fitting in..." He looks at his watch, "20 minutes from now. Good luck!" He says cheekily.

I'll kill him later for this.

Oh what am I saying? With a face like that, I find it hard to do anything but fantasize of kiss him.

I bring my whole suitcase into the bathroom, which is practically the size of my old house, and lock the door. There could be a horny Prince out there, you never know. Though, I doubt this would hold him back.

When I take my clothes off, the shower gets turned on.

I stifle a laugh. I'll always love tumblr for that weird pun. What a silly human website.


After rejecting Daniel every time he asked to join the shower with me, I finally finished getting dressed into a nice, blue blouse and a pair of jeans. Hopefully, they'll let me stay with this, instead of whatever tight, royal dress they plan on sticking me into.

Hey, maybe if my hair's in a bun, I'll look fancy enough to be recognized as the prince's mate!

What am I thinking? I'll look as fancy as a trash can on Christmas.

I open the door, expecting to see Daniel or maybe even a sibling of his, but instead there's a maid. Or I think she is one, I can't tell. All I know is that her glasses is way too small for her big ol' eyes and her head is too big for her body. For a second, I could've sworn I saw Dobby.

She scolds me.

"You know us Treasurers are mind readers as well."

Well sorry, I forgot that I'm a secretly Jesus and a know-it-all. Oh wait, that's you guys.

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