Chapter 20- Remember the Pirahna that Bit your Balls, Honey?

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A/N: I don't like this chapter? It's not a very sad one, it's more one of self-realization and need for change. After this, she tries to stop moping around (you can't forgive yourself in one day so it'll be a while) and determination will guide her more than disgust with herself.

The ex-queen once again welcomes me with open arms, hurrying me inside the room.

Her husband sits on the bed, cross-legged and paying attention to my every move. I don't blame him, our last encounter was anything but friendly.

"Herald, stop frowning at her." She commands, noticing the look he has been giving me.

His lips quirk up as he smiles sarcastically, resembling a clown on steroids. I turn my head, avoiding his creepy smile.

"Is this better, Rosemary?" He retorts, flashing her the same grin. She visibly grimaces and gives him a thumbs up.

"Anyway, we weren't able to finish our last conversation because my husband was almost murdered." She says bluntly, moving on to another topic. I twitch under their penetrating gazes.

She motions to a chair nearby, inviting me to sit in it. I gladly take up her offer, happy to put more space between my mate and I.

He's been very silent since I refused him. I wouldn't know he was here if it wasn't for our bond. It pulses between us roughly, reminding me of his presence.

As if I didn't know.

"My husband and I connected a few dots and remembered something. We went through the same thing hundreds of years ago!" My eyebrows raise at that.

She waves her hand. "I know, I know, I don't look that old."

Well it's true, she was turned in her late 20's. She has the face and the body of someone who's near middle age. It must be so awkward for Daniel, realizing that his mother looks like his older sister.

"We ended up going to a witch once I was tied to the bottom of a ravine." My father-in-law chimes in, looking quite embarrassed about the memory.

She laughs aloud, clapping her hands together in delight.

"Remember the piranha that bit your balls, honey?" Her eyes twinkle in mischief.

He sighs, rubbing the sides of his face. "I remember, my love."

They gaze lovingly in eachother's eyes, forgetting about the two other people in the room. While it was awkward, I also found it adorable. Hundreds of years later and they're still in love. It just doesn't seem plausible.

I sneak a glance at my mate. His eyes meet mine, full of promise and determination. The strength of his emotions momentarily scare me, and I find myself looking away.

Daniel clears his throat, ripping them both out of their lovestruck stupor.

"Oh, sorry." She smiles sheepishly, before growing serious again.

"There are two ways to become a Royal. You are either born into it, like Daniel, or you're married into it, like you." She looks at me pointedly.

"Kings and queens are different than the average Royals. They're stronger, faster, more powerful. That's why when you become king and queen, even if you're a natural-born Royal, all of that power and strength has to be transferred to you. You guys are rejecting the change and it's trying to force itself in, making you guys much more aggressive and homicidal."

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