Chapter 6

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"I want to leave. Please, please let me leave." I pleaded with him. A sharp pain struck my cheek and the room wobbled. My face stung and then something pulled my hair, jerking my chin back.

A rough hand touched my neck. "You will never leave. Youll obey me until you die. And you will not deny me. Understood?" 

he tipped my chin back even more, causing the bruisings from last night on my neck to hurt even more. I let out a sharp cry.

"Understood?" He asked louder. Tears streamed down my face. Another sharp pain struck, this time on my head. He pulled my hair very hard. I cried out in pain.

Tears ran down my neck and my whole body ached. "K-kaiden... plea-" a rough kick and he took my consciousness. The room blurred and I slowly fell in the void of euphoria, preparing me for the horrible pain that would intrude my body next.


I woke up, sweating. It was a dream- no- a nightmare. Why would I dream such a thing? The events of the dream recollected in my brain. It was so surreal.

I realized. I will suffer the same fate as my mother. I pushed myself up off the pillow and felt a splitting headache. I quickly plopped back down. I guess that's why I was sweating so much.

My surroundings became more clear as I realized kaiden was laying next to me. His head rested on the pillow as he breathed calmly. He had taken his shirt off so now he was only in his pants and his belt.

The sight of him made me frightened and out of no where i screamed, startling him and waking him up. "What the hell?" he asked.

"i- I'm sorry- please dont hurt me! im sorry!" i looked down. he grabbed my arm harshly and pulled me closer. then i felt a sharp pain across my cheek. my world went wobbly, just like in my dream. it was reality.

my stomach ached in pain as he pushed me down and hovered over me. he pinned my arms down with his hands, making it impossible for me to move.

suddenly the lights cut out, and kaiden was breathing on my neck. his hot breath made me shiver.

i felt a hand on my thigh, then on my hips, then up my stomach, and then back down torwards my clit.

panic rushed through me as i realized what he was trying to do. i screamed fearfully but my struggles were muffled because his hand was now over my mouth.

"shh kitten its gonna be okay" he whispered in my ear. "dont fight it, scream again and youll regret it" his last words echoed in my head. " and youll regret it."

his hand traveled down to my stomach, and slowly to the tip of my 😿. tears streamed down my face onto my neck. he stopped and pulled away.

"dont cry, fucking good for nothing. just be quiet and don't struggle" he demanded. then he went back in, this time harsher and faster.

his hands fell down to his trousers as he unzipped the fly. "spread your legs" he demanded. i wanted to scream in agony. "no.. please-"

"damnit hannah just do it or youre punishment will be way worse" he threatened.

i slowly spread my legs with tears streaming down my cheeks. "please kaiden.. dont do this.. im sorry! please!" i pleaded.

"shut the fuck up. you are my pet and you will do as i say, kitten."

after that everything went blurry. i felt him go inside of me, but after that, all his actions meant nothing. i lay there lifeless while he pushed into me. "whos your master?" he yelled.

i didnt answer. "i said, whos your fucking master, slut?" i still stayed silent. i was freezing cold and my body was worn out from being treated so ruthlessly. i barely had the strength to blink.

finally after 25 more minutes he pulled out. as i stared at the ceiling, i thought, where could i have gone so wrong to get in this position? what did i do? why did satan send me to live in the cycle of hell? WHAT DID I DO WRONG?

kaiden had walked out of the room, so i pushed myself out of bed and went to look at myself in the mirror. after 3 hours of him mercilessly raping me, my skin was pale and malnourished. my eyes had lost their sparkle. my face was no longer drenched with emotions.

tears still streamed down my face even though i was not sad. i accepted that I will suffer my mothers fate. when? im not sure. maybe now. maybe that's what im longing for.

i took a notepad and a pen and started away at a singular page.

once i was done, i curled up into a ball and cried. the last time i would cry before i was gone.

i looked around for anything. anything to save me from leaving this earth. however, everything around me reminded me of him. and he reminded me of the past 3 hours.

the choice was: stay in this cycle of hell with a man who just raped me and made my own mother commit suicide, or go the same way my mother did and find her in heaven. (-note, if you dont believe in heaven, thats ok, i dont either, but this character does! -O💕)

i think the choice was obvious.

i crawled over to my window seat and with all of my strength, i punched through the glass. at first it did not give in. but after a few tries i made a small crack and with that the whole thing shattered.

i heard footsteps coming up the stairs. i left the note right under the window seat, just enough so it wouldnt fly away, but also to where he could see it. and then, finally it came.


word count: 1000 (exactly) lol

uh yeah this is the end of that, anyways, im gonna make a new story make sure to check my page out for updates on that!

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