chapter 7...

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note: i know i havent updated in a very long time. this story is so cringey, im sorry . But alot of you wanted me to finish the story so i guess i will, and maybe hannah will get her justice haha

Beep. Beep. Beep. The sound of a heart monitor rang in my ears as i opened my eyes, confused about my surroundings.

I was in a white room.

The hospital.

Trying to move my head, i turned to the side and saw Kaiden sitting in a waiting chair next to me. It took all my strength but i mustered up a sentence. "What happened...?" I mumbled.

Suddenly the memories flooded back into my brain and everything started adding up.

"Baby, youre awake?" He got up and started to come torwards me. He took my hands into his but I screamed and pulled away from him.

Tears started to run down my cheeks and I yelled "Dont touch me!"

He backed away. "Fuck, you little bitch. You deserve to get punished again." He whisper-yelled.

But I wasnt holding back this time. "Get the FUCK away from me you monster!" I yelled.

At this point nurses had entered the room to see what was wrong.

"Get him away from me! Please, get him away! I dont want to see him! Make him leave me alone!" The nurses rushed over to try to calm me down.

"Honey, youre in shock, please try to calm down. This man is your lover, you know that right? Oh no, I think she lost her memory." They pampered me and acted as if i was a baby who was unable to comprehend what happened.

"No stop! He RAPED ME! GET HIM AWAY FROM ME!" I screamed at the top of my lungs and tried to kick the nurses away from me.

"Calm down, please sweetie. He didnt rape you, you gave been hallucinating recently. Your boyfriend told us that you have been acting out because of it. Please calm down." A nurse said in a gentle voice.

Fuck this. I dont deserve to be treated this way. "HE FUCKING RAPED ME , WHY DOES NO ONE BELIEVE ME?" I yelled and pushed them away from me . They quickly rushed out of the room to go get a doctor.

All that was left was me and fucking Kaiden. Of course.

He grinned at me.

"You sick bastard. YOU SAID YOU WOULDNT RAPE ME. YOU SAID IT!" I yelled and sobbed.

He smirked and said "and I didnt. You are hallucinating, baby. Stop being such a fucking bitch because youre bitter." He whispered in my ear, threatingly.

I knew he was lying. He was trying to manipulate me. You cant just hallucinate shit like that. I remember it all, and no one believes me. Why didnt my attempt work?

"Why do you torture me like this.. you have no reason. ALL I EVER WAS WAS GOOD TO YOU, CONSIDERING YOU FUCKING KIDNAPPED ME AND MADE MY MOM KILL HERSELF." I yelled.

"Oh darling, you dont understand it do you..." He mumbled something and then continued. "You think this world is such a great place. Well im here to show you how bad it can be" He chuckled. "Now come on baby, you know you liked it. Thats why you were moaning so much."

Oh my god. I wanted to kill him. I just want to get the hell away from him.

I started sobbing harder and choked on my words. "Why wont you just- f-fucking leave me a-alone.."

I was still restrained to my hospital bed, and I couldnt just get up because i still had an IV bag on me and a severe injury.

He smiled and came closer to me. I tried to push him away but he pinned my arms down on the bed. No, no, no! Stop! This cant be happening again. I screamed as loud as I could but my voice was gone. He started sucking and kissing on my neck.

At that moment the nurses came and and shreiked at the sight of him molesting me. "H-help.." I said with all my strength. He let go of my arms, which now had red marks on them.


ok im literlaly ssoisisososooooo done with this . stoppp
idk what to do next


word count: 726

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