Chapter 3

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I rolled over to look at him glaring at me with his blood red eyes. "What." I muttered.

He sat there in silence for a moment, thinking of what to say.

"I'm sorry, that your mother is- well, you know." He looked like he didn't want to be saying sorry to me, but he meant it.

I curled my head into his chest and laid there. "Will I ever get to see my mom again..?" I whimpered.

He didn't have anything to say for that. Instead, he stood up and fumbled with his pockets. He pulled out a collar, engraved with with rhinestones, and a big obnoxious "K" in the middle which i can only assume stood for Kaiden.

He smirked. "This is your new collar." He motioned for me to come over to him and I obeyed.

He slipped the collar over my neck and I shivered.

"Come, my girl." He ordered. I denied. He yanked on the leash attached to my collar and I understood.

He was trying to tell me to stay in my place. I slowly crawled off the bed and followed him.

As we walked down the halls I grazed the walls with my fingertips, quietly humming to the tune of a 70's song.

We finally reached a room, which was dark and hideous. "Go in." He commanded. "Whats.. whats in there?" I whimpered.

"Dont worry, im coming with you, my love." He whispered.

I obediently took a few steps into the room, and as soon as he was inside he closed the door and flicked the light switch on.

It revealed an array of various "torture" devices, that looked more like something you would see on pornhub under the title "bdsm"

••• Mature scene below •••

I heard the door lock and I gasped. Kaiden spun me around so that I was facing him and pushed me against the wall. He pinned my hands above me.

He leaned in and whispered, "its time for your well delayed punishment," and I shivered again.

I whimpered unaware what was in store for me. What did he mean by punishment? Was he going to hurt me? Or.. was it.. the other thing?

"What do you think is a good punishment?" He asked me. I didnt know, honestly, because I didnt know what he was even talking about, so I just shrugged nervously.

"Hm.." He said. Then without warning he turned me around and bent me over. He flipped my skirt onto my back and pulled my underwear down, and I didnt know if he was going to rape me or just stare at me.

"Do you even know what we are doing?" He chuckled. I shook my head no. "Words."

"No, master, i do not know what we are doing," i said in a tiny voice.

"I'm not raping you, my girl. But you are going to get punished," he said.

He scurried away and I stayed in my place. He then came back with something I couldn't see because I was facing the wall.

"I'm going to spank you with this, and your going to count. If you forget to count or mess up, we will start over. If you purposefully mess up, I'll punish you worse. Now do what your daddy says like the good little girl you are, and you just might make it out of here," he glared.

I whimpered.

I was waiting for him to take a hit.

Finally I felt something hard hit my ass, and I knew what to do. "1," I counted. Again. "2,". Again. "3," he stopped and placed two of his fingers on my clit.

He slowly grazed it and I let out a soft moan. "Dont get too ahead of yourself, my girl. This isn't for you to enjoy,"

I groaned. Why was he sexually frustrating me like this? I jumped as I felt another smack. "4," I whispered. He kept his fingers placed on top of my core.

-like 5 minutes later-

"18!" I cry. "Whos your master," he asked. "You are my master, Kaiden" I moaned. Another smack. "19," I said trying to catch my breath.

Smack. "20!" When would this is end. He still had his fingers on top of my clit. "Good girl, now ill let you release," he chuckled.

He slipped a finger in and I jumped from being startled. I let out a soft moan. From behind, Kaiden's hard-on was rubbing against my ass.

He started moving his fingers around, and slowly shifted them in and out, giving me pleasure. I arched my back in reaction to his touch.

He slowly started going faster, occasionally asking me if this was ok. I said yes every time.

How could I be so stupid.

I was giving into this monster.

But I didnt stop him.

It felt so good.

Before I knew it, I was being fingered by Kaiden and I felt I could burst any second. I moaned loud while panting and I tensed up.

His fingers rammed into my clit as he chuckled. "Your a hard one aren't you. Thats ok, I know how to pleasure you even more." He whispered in my ear.

He kept pushing in and out with one hand and with the other traveled my body. My hands against the wall, he massaged my breasts and fingers me at the same time.

I was panting now. "Master, master please go faster!" I practically screamed. He thought about it. "Beg for it,"

"Please, master, finger me so hard I release everywhere and get embarrassed!" I moaned. He took my pleas into consideration and sped up the pace.

I moaned and moaned and then he pushed his fingers in all the way and I released. My body was shaking from the orgasm. My liquids were all over his hands now. "Heh, good girl." He said, pulling he fingers out and licking them.

He saved one finger though. "Taste yourself," he said. I get startled as he shoves his finger into my mouth and and I feel overwhelmed.

••• Mature scene over •••

I pick my underwear back up and stand up. As soon as I try my ass feels sore so I just fall to the ground.

"Need some soothing on that cute little ass of yours" he asks and i feel myself getting red. "Yes, master ."

"Call me Kaiden, it turns me on" he said with a chuckle.

"Did you enjoy our session?" I still felt overwhelmed and confused and stressed so I just let it all out. I started to cry and sob. I put my head into his chest and he comforted me like a little girl.

"Whats wrong, hannah?" He asked. I didnt answer, I just let it all out into his shirt. He rubbed my back and I sat up.

He picked me up bridal style again, and walked me all the way to my room.

Sorry guys this doesn't have as much content as the last chapter but I still hope you guys enjoyed!


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