The Connection

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"Are you gonna wait for my game?", he asked.. "Maybe not for this.. You know that, if I wait we both are gonna lag in our chemistry class!", I replied as I took my chemistry book from Dev's bag. " Oh right! We have already miss 3 classes..", he replied with a small laugh.. " Yes! Anyways give me your car keys, after class I'll pick you up and then will go to our favorite place ", I wink at him and head towards his car..

Well talking of Dev.. He is my best friend since we were in 9th grade.. And from last 3 months I think I have started liking him more than a friend..  He has always been a good friend, and no doubt he is adorable.. Now I get why he has been the centre of attraction for many years. He is smart, he loves sports and most importantly he is very caring.. Well even tho i have been with him since so long, but what he did for me 3 months back was the reason I fell for him..


It was our prom night.. Dev and I had decided that will go together and then enjoy our prom with our partners.. I had bought a beautiful white dress which obviously Dev chose for me.. My mom gave me a diamond necklace which she had wore on her prom night.

It was 7 pm, when I got call from Mike he said he is not well and he won't be coming for the prom. Before I hung up the call I saw Dev's car infront of my door. He came in the black suit which I chose for Him.. All neatly dressed and flower in his hand, he came towards me but before uttering a single word he could make out there was something wrong.
I told him about the call and the next moment we headed to Mike's home.. Not because I wanted to see him but there was something fishy about it..
Within next 20 minutes we were near Mike's apartment.. I looked at Dev I was a bit stressed, I was not sure of what is gonna happen next. Dev took my hand and gave it a slight squeeze and assured me that whatever it might be we are gonna go through it together..

I reached to the door bell.. Mike opened the door. He was half naked and his upper body was just too perfect, for a moment I forget why I came here.. But suddenly I heard a voice which came from inside his room.. For a moment I thought I misheard it but when I heard it again I was sure, someone was calling out for Mike and it was a female's voice. That's when I lost all my temper and rushed inside to see who the hell is there.. But Mike grabbed my hand and stopped me from going in.
"Leave me Mike.. I need to see who the hell is she", I said being pissed and almost gave him a push. I ran towards his bedroom and found Nina the freak inside.
OH MY GOD... I can't process this.. My boyfriend was having fun with his ex. Since how long has he been cheating on me. Dev was right.. Mike was never the one who deserves me.

Suddenly I heard a loud voice, as I came back to the living room I saw Mike bleeding and Dev on top of him.. Not even uttering a single word, I just looked around the room for the last time and walked away from there.. In less than a minute I could feel some footsteps following me and I knew for sure it was Dev..

I reached the door of Dev's car but now I could not hold it anymore, I could feel tears rolling down from my eyes. I turned to Dev and hugged him tightly and cried for next 15 minutes..

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