Is It Actually A GoodBye?

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I reach her house.. The lights are off and her door is locked.. She already left.. No! I look at my watch... It shows 8:55 pm. I still have twenty mins.. I drive at the max speed, I reach the airport by 9:10 pm. I still have five minutes.. I get out of my car and run for my life... Because yes, Ritika is my life and I can't lose her..

I reach the departure point and check for New York flight.. It showed it is about to departure... I keep running..
I push people, I fall but I don't stop. I reach the end door and see the airplane departure..

I am late..
I fell on my knees, all my hopes are lost and what I feel is regret.. Regret for ignoring her, regret for not telling what I feel, regret for not being able to tell her a proper goodbye..I can feel tears rolling down my cheeks.. I lost her.. Forever.

Suddenly I feel someone's hand on my shoulder... The moment I turn around I see her.. My Best friend, my love..

She knelt down besides me and hugs me tightly.. Not even wasting a single minute I speak.. " I thought I lost you forever.. And now I won't be able to.." I was interrupted by her she came close to me and the next thing I remember is her lips were touching mine...

Everyone around started clapping and cheering us.. That's when we moved apart and start laughing.. She said, " How could I just go without listening to your reason for ignoring me the entire week.. But I guess I know that.. And the moment I realized it, my feet didn't move.. I wanted to tell you what I feel..".
She continued, " I know you are thinking what if something happens and we end up losing both our friendship and relationship.. And to this I got a solution.. ", she smiled at me.." whatt iss itt? ", I ask curiously...

To which she replied," what you think is love?", I was surprised and confused at her question at first but before I could say anything she replied," let me tell you, Love does not mean you have to be in a relationship or give a particular name to it.... Love is simply, you caring about your partner, its about spending time with them and making memories, its about sharing your feelings without hesitation, its about telling each other how important they are to you... Its about the little things you do to make each other happy.. THIS IS LOVE.. And this what I want in life.. And if this love is already there in my life as my best friend.. Then I don't think I need to give it any specific name. I am glad I already have the one who loves me more than anyone. .. Because he does all these for me..!! I don't need a boyfriend I just need a person who does these things happily for me no matter what... So yeah!! I love you! "

I was surprised.. How she actually made me realise.. That this is exactly what I wanted.. I didn't wanted the tag but the love behind it.. I wanted to have the same fun we had being best friends but I just wanted her to know that I love her..
I felt so proud of myself that I always chased the right person..

" Thank you for being there always for me.. I don't care if you be my girlfriend or not but I will always love you.! "I replied . She smile at me and then we headed to my car.

"Anyways right now I am hungry.. I ran for you and now I have you finally.. Save me! " I said as we reach my car... " Yes my baby!! You ran so much for me.. Well you know what, it was just a run of 10 minutes", she chucked as I gave her a dissappointed look... We laughed our whole way as I told her about the whole run..

Finally at the end of the day.. I got both my love and my best friend.. Who knows me more than me and love me unconditionally.. And what matters is she loves me and we don't need a tag to tell people that we are in love.. :)

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