Drip drop "SHUT UP!"

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Sensei woke up. He was on a chair, tied to it. He struggled to find a way out. "Nrgh!" He yelled out. He looked around, he was trapped in some sort of basement. Water was dripping everywhere. It was silent, dead silent. Sensei's words feebly echoed through the area. Drip drop. Drip drop. "SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Sensei shouted to the water dropping. "What's the point, where am I?" He whispered. Footsteps approached. It was two Phoenix operatives. "At last you awake." One of them said. "I knew it was phoenix's doing. Why am I here?" Sensei said. No reply from the operatives. "You escaped us once, it won't happen again."  Another operative said. "I'll make you eat those words you fucking-!!" Sensei shouted out, very loudly, but was cut off when a operative tased him, he felt the electric enter his body. He yelled out in pain, eventually the pain was too much and he passed out. The phoenix operatives walked away...

Few hours later.

Sensei shot up, he looked around..Still here. He looked at the floor, realising there was a knife. "One of those phoenix idiots must've left it here
... The fools..." He said as he smirked. He grabbed the knife, cutting off the ropes. One remained. As he cut it a loud gun fire noise went off, making Sensei jump, and he accidently cut his chest, along with the rope, there was a huge cut on his chest, and the fabric of his top was also torn. "Argh, I look horrible. Why today..?" He muttered as he walked towards the stairs. He sighed, walking up the stairs. There was a door up the top. He opened it and light went into his eyes, after being so long in the darkness his eyes hurt. "Argh, my eyes!" He screamed, he covered his eyes while walking out. He saw a guard gazing into space. He still had the knife, so he grabbed the guard by his neck, dragged him towards the basement and slit his throat with the knife, as the body was about to fall, he kicked it, making it fall down the stairs and into the basement, after that he slammed the door shut. He walked towards where the guard was standing and that when it hit him. "It's the same lake house from one of those missions. Damn. Memories..." Then he remembered  Wren, when he tried to kill him. "Not very happy ones." He said. With that he walked towards the entrance, climbing the fence, and running off...

Halfway towards Halcyon base, the pain in his chest got unbearable. He collapsed into the floor, passing out, yet again.

Part 3??

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