The new teacher

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I woke up so late the next morning. I got so drunk last night I think I basically passed out in my bed. Anyway, I put on my uniform and went to the hall to get food.
"Hey Y/N" K said.
"Hey" I said, clearly trying to not hide the fact that I was so exhausted.
They asked why I was so tired and I told them about last night and how I got so drunk. Then we just spoke about what lessons we had today, it was the first day back after the holidays after all.
My first lesson was defence against the dark arts, with the new teacher Professor Malfoy. I swear that job is cursed. Literally every few months we have a new DATDA teacher.
I walked into the classroom, expecting to see a musty old man sitting at the desk, but instead it was a young man, probably only 2-3 years older than me (you are in your last year of school). He had bright blonde hair, slicked back. His face was that if an angel. His eyes were a piercing green.
You sat down at your seat, and noticed his eyes following your every move.
"Hello everyone." He said. His voice was crisp, and young. "I am your new defence against the dark arts teacher, I don't expect any bad behaviour from any of you since I don't believe in warnings. I will put you straight into detention." He paced around the front of the classroom. "Can anyone tell me what the dementors kiss is?"
My hand shot straight up. I knew this one.
"Yes Y/N" he smirked at me, in a seductive kind of way.
"The dementors kiss is where a dementor will kill someone by 'kissing' them and sucking out their soul" I said, trying to avoid his bright eyes, but it was impossible.
"Very good." He smiled.
The lesson went by in a flash, and just before we left he had one quick announcement.
"Before you leave, I just wanted to say that since you are the oldest year, staff are recruiting you to become T/A's and help your professors whenever you have a free period. He glanced at me. "I hope that.. some of you will consider signing up." Professor Malfoy was still staring into my eyes.
I left as quick as I could. I can't fall for a teacher, I just can't. It's NOT allowed, plus, there's something between me and Jacob right? Is there? This guy was messing with my head.

Professor D. MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now