The Shining Beacon Pt. 1

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Ozpin sat at his desk while you stood near the window looking out. Glynda was there as well going over last minute preparations.

Y/N: I know I do this every year, but I have to say this.

Glynda and Ozpin looked at you as you stood there with a serious look on your face.

Y/N: Coming on that ship are the next generation of huntsmen and huntresses. Our purpose is to make sure that they reach their full potential and rise above.

Ozpin: Indeed.

Y/N: However, we must also take care to remember that they are still young. They will be reckless, brash, and they will make mistakes. That's why we need to be there to help them.

Glynda: Of course.

Y/N: That being said.....that's no longer my problem! I'm a student now meaning it's totally okay and not mortally wrong for me to go and mess around with the cute girls that are currently on that ship. So good luck!

You gave a mock salute as you headed for the elevator. Glynda just sighed while Ozpin sipped on his coffee.

Glynda: You raised a monster.

Ozpin: It would appear so.

The Gunslinger

Yang: My baby sister is going to Beacon with me! This is the best day ever!

Ruby suddenly found herself being hugged tightly by a taller, older, and bustier blonde haired girl. This was her half sister, Yang. You know the one.

Ruby: Please stop.

Yang let her go so that she could breathe.

Yang: But I'm so proud of you!

Ruby: Really, sis, it was nothing.

Yang: What do you mean? It was incredible! Eveeyone at Beacon will think you're the bees knees.

Ruby: I don't want to be the bees knees. I don't want to be any kind of knees. I just want to be a normal girl with normal knees.

Yang: What's with you? Aren't you excited?

To be fair, she had a lot of reasons to be. For starters, she was on a ship to the best school in the entire land. Beacon academy. And she was starting two years early.

Ruby: Of course I'm excited. It's just, I moved ahead two years. I don't want anyone to think I'm special or anything.

Yang smiled and placed an arm around her sister's shoulder.

Yang: But you are special.
You walked around the campus whistling a tune as you looked around. The second and third year students were all starting to get here so they could move into their dorm rooms. The fresh blood has yet to arrive.

Y/N: Mm. What to do, where to go, and why?

You looked around and greeted some people that you knew. How weird that you were now a student with them. Well, kinda. Professor Port told you that you would be more of a teaching assistant than a student in his class. Glynda also told you that she would not give you a seat in her class. Joke's on her. You knew a perfect spot on the rafters to watch her teach.

???: Y/N?

You stopped walking and looked over to see a familiar face.

Y/N: Velvet!

The rabbit faunus rushed over to you with a large smile on her face. She hugged you which you gladly returned.

Velvet was one of the girls around school that you swore off on dating. Why? Because she was a good friend of yours and you valued her as such. Plus she was just too cute to corrupt.

RWBY: The Gunslinger Vol. 1 (Male Insert)Where stories live. Discover now