The Initiation

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You whistled as you loaded your gun and adjusted your scope. You were sitting ontop of a ruined stone tower which was at the end of the Emerald Forest. This was where the new kids on the block will be undergoing the annual initiation.

Of course you had done it before, alone, so you knew how it went. And, as if on cue, you heard the first platform go off.

You looked up to see the first student being sprung off the edge of the cliff and into a highly dangerous forest filled with monsters.

You just shrugged and went back to your last minute preparations. You set your gun down and pulled out your scope. You looked around for a moment before you spotted some of the students.

Every year, you would help Ozpin and Glynda with making sure no one died during the initiation.

Bad for business, and all that. So, who had your back during your initiation?

No one.

Yep. You were literally completely alone. But, since Ozpin didn't want anyone to know that you were there, you had to remain hidden from the action. Kinda boring, but you did download three movies last night.

You also wore darker clothing than your usual uniform. Your hat was still hanging down your back, but you had a hood to cover your head.

The final student was sent off and you positioned yourself so you could watch the madness unfold. You had already counted about 13 Grimm just wandering around. Just some Ursulas. Nothing too crazy.

Grimm: Caw!

Oh, and a Nevermore. But no one would be that crazy to try and take these things on.


Glydna: Y/N? Do you copy?

You looked over at your scroll. You had set it up so that it was filming you from the side for research later.

Y/N: I must be dead. I could swear I heard a voice of an angel.

You heard Glydna sigh which caused you to smirk.

Glydna: Do you have visuals on the students?

Y/N: I do. Looking at them now. Gotta say, I don't see them getting very far. I mean, this blonde due has a sword....and that's it.

Glydna: Your job is to make sure they get out of that forest alive.

Y/N: I know. Be a shame if these cuties got hurt, huh?

Glydna: You know, you give me a headache everytime I talk to you.

Y/N: It's a skill I have mastered.

Glydna: I really want to strangle you right now.

Y/N: I'm open to most things. I get to tie you up, though.

The line was quiet as you smiled. You lowered your scope and waited for a response.

Gylnda: Make sure no one dies. Keep us posted.

She them hung up. You laughed to yourself before you turned back to the students.

Well, better kill some time.
You looked up from your scroll at the sound of another group leaving the forest. You looked over and pulled out your scope to see who it was.

Y/N: Huh. Good for them.

You quickly typed out the two people's names and sent them to Ozpin. The duo dissapered up the stone stairs that would take them up to the cliff where the others were waiting.

You went back to your movie before someone called you. Velvet. You answered it and smiled.

Y/N: Hey. How's the cutest bunny in Beacon doi....

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