The Badge and The Burden Pt. 1

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You found yourself asleep on your couch with your hat covering your face. Yet, you could still hear the screams. You could smell the fire.

You could see the blood.

You sat up, sending your hat to the ground as you panted. You finally calmed down enough to gather your surroundings.

You were at Beacon. Right.

Today was the first day of school for you.


You groaned as you rubbed your head in annoyance. Ozpin said you had to wear the uniform, but you weren't going to.

Every teacher you spoke to made it pretty clear that you would be more of a teaching assistant than an actual student. Didn't matter to you, honestly.

No homework at least.

You let out a yawn and got off of the couch. You stretched a bit before you reached down and picked up your hat. You dusted it off a bit before you threw it back on.

You grumbled to yourself as you walked over to your clothes and pulled on a new shirt. You then threw on your coat before you walked over to one of the posts. You grabbed your belt that hung there and put it on before you walked back to the couch.

You pulled your boots on, your left one still folded since you never got them fixed, and stood back up.

You were ready for the day.

But was the day ready for you?
You found yourself sitting at your own special desk in Professor Port's class before class even started. He had put the desk in so you were at the ready for when he needed you. It was off to the side, but also in the front of the class.

You even had your own little supplies.

Like rubber bands and sticky notes.

You already had a pile of folded up notes piled up at the edge of your desk for your first task.

If Port went off topic or ranted for too long, you were to stop him.

You just decided to have some fun with it.

Port: I must say, Mr. L/N, I am quite surpised that you were early.

You shrugged as you shot a note up into the sky. It landed right into your wastebin.

Y/N: Figured I should be a good teaching assistant.

Port: I see. Aiming to be the best is what every Huntsman should strive for. For it's our pride and honor that pushes us to protect those in need. Why, it reminds me of the time I....

He was quickly silenced when one of your notes landed in his mouth. He quickly spat it out and looked at you.

Y/N: You were going to rant.

Post mumbled something.

Port: Just don't aim for my mouth.

Y/N: Funny. That's probably the first time I heard that one.

You and Port laughed at your crude humor as some students began to file in. It was almost time to start class.

Port: Y/N, could you do me a favor and start writing what you can regarding these Grimm on the board?

You nodded as he handed you a clipboard. You walked over to the board and started to write down some notes and facts, as well as diagrams.

When it turned 9, Port started class.

Port: Monsters. Demons. Prowlers of the night. Yes, the creatures of Grimm have many names. But I merely refer to them as prey.

You finished writing on the board and walked back to your seat. You kicked your feet up and listened in on the lecture. However, not everyone was so keen on paying attention.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2021 ⏰

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