Window - Real Aubrey

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You lied on your bed, bored. Staring at the ceiling blankly, you sighed. For the past five minutes, you've been in your bedroom, staring at the bright light hanging on the ceiling, bored.

You played with all the old plushies in your room that Aubrey gave you, watched some TV in your room- heck, you even cleaned your room.

Not knowing what to do, you just stared at the ceiling of your room. You were to lazy and tired to call any of your friends. Plus, you didn't feel like Sunny would come over anyway.

"Ughhhh...!" You groaned, frowning. Honestly, today was the worst day ever for you.

Aubrey and her gang began to tease you for protecting Basil, and yeah that was basically it. For the whole day, Aubrey and her gang has been targeting you instead of Basil. Though you were happy that Basil wasn't getting bullied as much and had Sunny and Kel to protect him, you hated how Aubrey was treating you. I mean, you did have a crush on her back then. But now, you're not sure.

Knock, knock, knock!

Gasping at the sudden knocking, you hurriedly sat up in bed. With your head turning left and right, trying to see where the noise came from, you were confused. You glanced at the door, but it didn't seem like the noise was coming from there.

Assuming that it came from the window in your room, you lazily slumped off of the bed, heading over to the window.

Standing in front of the window, you pushed the curtains to the side to see who was knocking and why. Not really knowing who it was, your eyebrows raised with interest, thinking who it could be.

"Aubrey?!" You shouted out loud, your eyes gaping open with shock. Outside your window was Aubrey. She stood on your lawn, a rock in her hand.

Confused and wondering what Aubrey was going to do now, you opened the window.

"Hey!" Aubrey yelled from outside, her hand on her hip, the other hand with the rock in it waving in the air.

"Um, what are you doing here...?" You asked loud enough for her to hear you. Aubrey shrugged, not able to hide the smug smirk on her face.

"I dunno. Just wanted to mess with you for a bit. Hey, can you let me inside?" Aubrey's eyes went over to the rock in her hand. "If you don't, I'll hit your window with this rock again!"

"O...kay?" You mumbled, your eyebrow raising. You honestly didn't know what was going on at this point. "I'll be at the door then!" You hollered back to her before shutting the window, turning to the bedroom door.

You walked over to the door of your room that was wide open, rushing out the room. You pondered at the thought of what Aubrey and her gang would do if you didn't come down. But still, you were still puzzled why Aubrey was alone. Maybe she wasn't going to do anything and you were just too worried?

Sprinting down the stairs, trying not to hurt yourself and fall down them, you sighed. Finally making it downstairs, without a second thought of why Aubrey was here, you dashed over to the front door. Resting your hand on the doorknob, you pulled the door open to see a smiling Aubrey right there in front of you.

Raising her hand up in the air, Aubrey's smile remained. Assuming that Aubrey was going to hit you, you flinched, only to see that Aubrey's hand was rested on your shoulder.

"What? Am I really that terrifying? I only came here to invite you to the gang." Aubrey rolled her eyes, her hands falling on her hips.

"Huh? Invite me? To your gang?" You felt your brain melting at this point. You didn't understand what was going on.

"Are you deaf or what?!" Aubrey craned her head back, groaning loudly out of utter frustration.

"But why are you inviting me? I mean, you've been teasing me for the past three days. Don't you hate me orrrr...?" Before you continued, you finally found out why Aubrey was acting like this. "You're a tsundere, aren't you Aubrey?" You couldn't stop the smile on your face from growing.

Aubrey's head lifted back up to face you. Staring at you bug eyed, Aubrey's cheeks turned a tint of pink.

"What's a tsundere?" Aubrey mumbled, scratching her chin before stared back at you. "W-What does that even mean!?"

"I'll wait for you to call me a baka now so I can confirm."

"Ugh!" Aubrey stomped on the ground, not knowing what you were talking about. With her face  burning, Aubrey fumed. "Fine, fine! If you shut up about your 'tsundere' and 'baka', I'll tell you why I'm giving you a chance to join the gang!"

"Okay..." You sighed.

Inhaling, Aubrey prepared herself for what she was going to say.

"I like you, okay?! Not platonically or whatever it's called, but in a romantic type of way. If you reject me, I'll...I'll be fine just staying friends! So no pressure!" There was much force in Aubrey's tone, but in a way, you could tell that she was embarrassed.

"Of course I'll join the gang! I'll even be with you as well! I always wondered like what dating a tsundere would be like!" You clapped your hands, a smile on your face.

"What even is a tsundere..." Aubrey mumbled. Not getting an answer, Aubrey shrugged. 

Brushing the back of her hand against yours, wanting to hold it, just not knowing how to say it. Knowing what Aubrey wanted to do, you grasped onto her soft hand, the smile on your face not going away. Aubrey smiled slightly, relaxing a bit.

"Since this is getting a bit awkward, how about I introduce you to the gang members?" Aubrey suggested, stopping the mushy moment, not really used to it. You vigorously nodded your head, practically grinning at this point.

And so, for the rest of the day, you, Aubrey, and her Scoot Gang hung out with each other for a few hours or more. You got ice cream, made Aubrey a bit flustered, and you convinced Aubrey and her gang to leave Basil alone. It was surprisingly one of the best days you ever had.


𝐎𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐈 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon