Sleeping - Space Boyfriend

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You were apart of Captain Sp- I mean...Space Boyfriend's crew for a long time now. Everyone there were all penguins, except for you and Space C- Space Boyfriend, so you kind of stuck out. You got along with most of the crewmates there, since you were all worried about how S- SPACE BOYFRIEND was doing.

You sat on the side of Space Boyfriend's bed, since everyone thought it was best for you to go in there and check on him. Unfortunately, he wasn't feeling any better.

"Sweetheart...ughhh..." Space Boyfriend coughed. He lied in his bed, buried under his covers with his head resting on his pillow. You sighed out of pure pity and sadness. You placed your hand on top of Space Boyfriend's cold hand. It was the most appropriate way to comfort him, after all. You two were just acquaintances, nothing more, nothing less.

"Though I've never really been in much of a relationship before," You tried to comfort Space Boyfriend the best you could. "But Sweetheart wasn't just the one. She treated you like an animal." You shook your head, sighing. "I knew something like this would happen sometime soon."

"Sw-Sweetheart..." Space Boyfriend croaked, his fingers intertwining with your's as soon as you brought up Sweetheart's name. "P...Please..." Space Boyfriend tugged onto your warm hand, pulling you closer to him. Your shoulders slumped as the sad frown on your face tugged, your face scrunching up out of pure pity and embarrassment.

"Please...? Please, what? Do you need something? I-I can go get some food if you'd like." You offered, taking few glimpses at Space Boyfriend's face. There were visible bags under his eyes, his pink hair messy. Ever since Sweetheart left him for good, he was pretty bipolar- going from lying all day in bed and moping to grumbling insults to Sweetheart. Luckily, he was being more calmer than usual.

"Please don't leave me again..." Space Boyfriend sniffled, his trembling hand clenching onto yours. You inhaled, somehow able to manage a gasp out at the same time. The only thing you could think of was how Space Boyfriend had thought that you were Sweetheart.

What was the best thing to do? Pretend or just tell him that you're not? The choice was hard to pick of course. With Space Boyfriend's heart already broken, it would probably just hurt him more to tell you that you weren't her. 

Well, it was obvious what you were going to do.

"I, uhm- won't? Y-Yeah, I won't." You nodded hesitantly, coming up with the first thing that popped up in your head. Space Boyfriend coughed in response, letting go of your hand. Your eyebrow rose out of pure confusion as you watched Space Boyfriend push the many layers of covers off of himself. "What are you-?"

Space Boyfriend's eyes were squinted, not paying attention to his surroundings at all. Space Boyfriend wrapped his hands around your chest as he buried his head in your back. You internally screamed as you felt your face heat up.

"Um-" You darted your eyes around Space Boyfriend's room, holding in your breath. You decided to keep shut. You didn't want it to be more awkward then it already was.

"Hey Captain- I mean, Space B-" Suddenly stomping into the room was one of the Space Pirates, but they immediately stopped seeing Space Boyfriend holding onto you. "What the-"

"Shush!" You whispered, putting your finger to your lip.

"What are you doing to Captain- er...Space Boyfriend?!" The Space Pirate gasped, shocked.

"He thinks I'm Sweetheart." You explained briefly to the s u s Space Pirate.

"Mmmmmhhhhhhhmmmmmm." The Space Pirate nodded sarcastically.



"Want proof?"


You sighed, turning around the best you could to face Space Boyfriend who was sleeping soundly behind you. You poked the top of his head with your finger, and his head perked up, Space Boyfriend now half awake.

"Sweetheart..." Space Boyfriend groaned, clinging onto you even tighter. You sighed at the less breathing space for you, but you just ignored it.


"Should we wake him up, or?" The Space Pirate tilted his head to the side, confused.

"I'm not sure, maybe we should get him off of me?" You sarcastically groaned.

"Oh, yeah, yeah. How are we supposed to do that, though? I mean, the captain seems kinda happy holding onto you like that." The Space Pirate pointed at Space Boyfriend, who was holding onto you non stop.

"My back hurts..." You whined like a bratty child, but it was worth it in a way.

"That's a you problem, not a me problem," The Space Pirate slowly backed up, heading towards the entrance to the bedroom. "See ya!" Leaving you and Space Boyfriend alone once more, the Space Pirate left.

"How dare she...leave..."

"Just great." You sighed, waiting for Space Boyfriend to wake up, knowing he was going to be angry as HECC. "Three, two..." You counted down, waiting for it.

"Agh! That disgusting, no good- grrr! She'll regret it all! She'll regret leaving me!" Space Boyfriend leaped backwards onto the bed, a scowl on his face as he declared his revenge on Sweetheart for the millionth time. Holding something that looked like a Nurf Gun in his hand, Space Boyfriend shouted and insulted Sweetheart.

"Uh, good morning?" You chuckled awkwardly as you waved to Space Boyfriend.

"Excuse me? 'Good morning', 'GOOD MORNING'?! DOES IT LOOK LIKE I'M HAVING A GOOD MORNING!? Live is PAIN, the exact thing Sweetheart is going to feel!" Space Boyfriend clenched his fists, imagining Sweetheart's cruel heart in the palm of his hands as he crushed it.

"Can you just calm down?" You sighed.

"I AM CALM!" Space Boyfriend yelled, the complete opposite of calm. "THIS IS THE FACE OF A CALM PERSON!"

"Hey, hey Space Boyfriend."

"What?" Space Boyfriend turned to you, scowling.


"That's it! I'm done with this!" Space Boyfriend facepalmed himself, frowning. "It's all hopeless! I'm done with this-"

"Negativity...BEGONEEEEEEEEEE!" You hit Space Boyfriend right in the sides as it looked like his soul left him.

"MY- AGH!" Space Boyfriend exclaimed words that couldn't be made out as he fell onto the bed, being over dramatic like always. Pretending to be dead, he stuck his tongue out, 'dying'.

"Oh, did I just..." You stared at the 'dead' Space Boyfriend, poking his cheek to make sure that he wasn't dead. "Hey, if you're dead, can I have your Nerf Gun thing?"

"YOU B-"

𝐎𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐈 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu