Threat - Omori

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"Are you okay?" Omori asked, staring at you. There were bruises on your legs and arms. You nodded.

"Yeah, just fell down at the playground." You shrugged, sitting on top of Omori's blanket. Omori had let you in White Space again since you asked to go there so much.

"Are you lying to me?" Omori sat down next to you, blankly staring at you like usually. You sighed, resting your head on his shoulder.

"You have trust issues. Like I said, I fell down." You answered Omori's question in a split second.

"I don't have trust issues, and it looks like someone pushed you-" Omori clenched his fists.

"They did push me, but we were just playing around!" You groaned at Omori's persistent questioning. 

Omori softly shoved your head off of his shoulder and stood up, turning his back to you. "What's their name?"

"Why're you always overreacting?" You stood up, trailing after Omori, who was headed to the door. 

"That's not a name." Omori sighed, irritated. "I just want to talk with them. So please tell me their name."

"So we were playing on the playground and we were having a race-" You tried to make up excuses and lie, but none of them worked.

"I don't need an explanation. I need their name." Omori turned to you, an angry look on his face. 

"Fine, then. Boss pushed me. He snuck into the playground and kinda pushed me because I said I was gonna tell everyone he was here so-" You ranted on.

"Boss? Okay then." Omori nodded, seeming to be calmer now. "I'll be back soon. I just need to talk with Boss."

"Bye then." You waved as Omori walked towards the white door that would lead him to the Neighboor's Room. Watching as Omori opened the door and stepped inside, the door closed behind him. 

You immediately ran over to Mewo, who was now lazily sleeping on top of Omori's blanket.

"Mewo, I can tell Omori's not gonna chat with Boss, he's gonna try to kill him- what do I do? He does this almost all the time!" You groaned, picking up Mewo.

"Meow meow meow?" Mewo stared at you, disappointed that you didn't know what to do even though Omori did this...a lot.

"Oh yeah, I should go after him!" Dropping the cat back onto Omori's blanket, you thanked Mewo, running towards the door. You were gonna go after Omori and stop him. But this time you had to use a different technique. You had to use the power of food!


"Why did you push them?" Omori stood in front of Boss, clenching a knife in his hand. Though Boss was taller and looked to be stronger than Omori, he still trembled at the sight of the armed boy.

"I didn't mean to-" Boss tried to excuse himself, but with Omori's terrifying glare, he couldn't even come up with one.

"Hey, Omori!" Hearing that familiar voice, Omori turned to where the disembodied voice was coming from...and there he saw you.

You stood there, holding a bag in your hands. Omori stared at you, his glare softening as the scowl on his face went away.

"What are you doing here?" Omori sighed, frustrated.

"I got some f-" Lifting up your bag, you tried to explain to Omori what you were doing here, but he interrupted you.

"Nevermind. I just need to teach Boss a lesson..." Omori turned back to Boss, ignoring your attempts to get him to stop.

"Oh lord, this isn't gonna be as easy as I thought..." You sighed, gripping onto the bag of food you had in your hands.

Omori lifted his knife up to Boss's heart, his cold, dead eyes narrowing. "Hurt them again and I'll-"

"Omori!" You shouted as loud as you could, running over to Omori as fast as you could. You jumped up, snatching the knife from Omori's hand and throwing it onto the floor far away from him. You sighed, out of breath from all of this work.

"Wh-" Before Omori could even react, you grabbed him by the end with the bag of food in your hand. You were running off with him.


"Remember when we had that talk about not trying to attempt murder?" You sat in front of Omori. The two of you were back in White Space. With your hands folded, you sat crisscross applesauce, the bag in the middle of your legs.

"Sorry..." Omori mumbled, averting his eyes from you.

"You really gotta stop threatening people." You sighed, shaking your head as you reached your hand into the bag of food you had.

"Meh..." Omori groaned.

You pulled out a cookie from the bag, leaving it in your hand for Omori to grab. "Here. I got Hero to make me some. Want it?"

Omori stared at the cookie, hesitant to take it. Sighing, Omori made up his mind as he took a hold of the cookie. It was warm and freshly baked.

"Why give me a cookie? I don't deserve anything..." Omori frowned, beginning to mope.

"Quit being so negative and eat it!" You shout, bonking him on the head.

"Fine..." Omori rubbed his head before taking a bite of the cookie. "Sorry about earlier..." Omori apologized before taking another bite in the cookie.

"Yeah, it's okay. Just don't do that again, okay?"

"Okay then."

𝐎𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐈 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now