Envelope - Sunny

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Slid under your door was an envelope. The envelope was your favorite color and there were few stickers on the front that you liked. Flipping the envelope, you stared at the back of it. Your name was written on the back. Curious, you opened the letter.

"Hi, (Y/N).

I don't talk much, (Mari made me write this), so I wrote this letter to say...well...ever since we met I never got the chance to say it or I just froze. But um, I think I love you. I'm not sure, but you don't have to reply back, it'll be awkward-

From, Sunny."

As you red the letter out loud you felt your face heat up, and you couldn't help yourself from smiling. You sat there wondering why he was so adorable and shy. Of course you'd write back and of course you'd say yes! So you ran to your room, got an envelope and paper, and a pen. 

Sitting on your bed, you stared at the envelope and paper that rested on your desktop next to your bed. You reached for the pen, grasping onto it before turning to the paper. You placed the pen against the paper and began to write.

"Dear, Sunny.

Stop being so awkward, did you think I'd say no?

From, the girl you think you love."

Done with the quick letter you wrote, you got up from your bed, already dressed in some casual clothes you've been wearing, you pulled open the door to your room and energetically zoomed out of it, the door swinging shut behind you. You dashed down the stairs, holding onto the railing, not wanting to fall down a few steps. Finally downstairs, you hurriedly unlocked the front door of your house, rushing to open it.

The front door swung open and the bright sunlight outside hit you. You squinted your eyes, groaning at the brightness. Feeling the radiance of the sun leave your side, you opened your eyes one at a time curiously. And there, standing in front of you, was Sunny.

"Sunny?" Your eyebrows raised out of pure confusion. Sunny's eyes were averted from you and to the floor, his face a tint of bright red.

"I was going to take the letter back and throw it out since you didn't- you know..." Sunny's shoulders were slumped and his hands were behind his back as if he was hiding something behind him.

"EHH?!" Your head tilted to the side and your eyes widened out of shock. "I just wrote the letter, though!"

"...You did?" Sunny's head perked up and his eyes met yours. He seemed to be a bit shocked. You nodded, handing the letter to him. You watched as Sunny opened it, eagerly waiting for him to see what you wrote. Sunny pulled out the paper and read it, quietly gasping. 

"See?" You pointed at the paper in the flustered Sunny's hands.

"You- I..." Sunny stuttered, not knowing what to say. With his cheeks flushed and his hands shaking, Sunny turned towards the open door, walking outside slowly, still muttering words under his breath.

"You're leaving?" You asked as you watched Sunny walk down the sidewalk slowly. "Bye then Sunny! Are we dating now or...!?" As soon as you brought up the word 'dating', Sunny began to speed walk down the street. "I'll take that as a yes!" You shouted before going back inside, closing the door to the house behind you.


Hours had passed. It was now eight P.M. You just finished eating dinner and you were surprisingly tired from all that eating. You lied on your bed, staring up at the ceiling, bored. To tired to even get up from your bed.

*Ding dong!*

Hearing the doorbell ring, you sat up in your bed, wondering who came to visit. Interested and curious, you lazily slid out of bed. Falling onto the floor, landing on your back, you dramatically groaned. Remembering the doorbell, you hurriedly picked yourself up, running out your room and dashing down the stairs, in a hurry like usual. Finally downstairs, you rushed to the door, and opened it. 

No one was there. 

You looked left, right, up- and finally, down. When you looked down, you saw another envelope by your feet. You leaned down to pick it up, now holding it in your hands. Tiredly and carelessly ripping it open, you yawned. Pulling out the paper inside, you tilted your head to the side, reading it.

"Dear, (Y/N).

Sorry if it came off rude when I suddenly left. I was just...embarrassed. But if we're, um, dating, don't tell anyone please? I don't want to make it awkward.

From, Sunny."

You tiredly smiled at the letter rubbing your eyes and yawning once more. "I'll make sure I won't." You mumbled to yourself.

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