Snowmen - Mari

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You lied on the couch, wearing the warmest pajamas you could find. It was cold outside and inside. With a blanket on your knees, you stared at the TV, watching your favorite show play, holding the remote in your hand.

"(Y/N)?" You felt a tap on your shoulder and you already knew who was there. You turned your head around to see Mari, dressed in a coat, wearing a scarf, a hat, some leggings, gloves, and some boots. "You ready to go outside?" Mari put her hands in the air enthusiastically, a smile on her face.

Mari's parents let her and Sunny stay over at your house for the day, so here Mari is. Sunny was most likely upstairs, drawing, sleeping, or practicing the violin.

"Huh? Why would I go outside? It's cold out there." You frowned, pulling up the blanket to your chest.

"But I dressed Sunny to go outside, and, I promised Hero and the others that we'd be going over to their house to make snowmen!" Mari sighed.

"When did you say that and why?" You stared at her, the fury showing in your eyes. "You Hero simp!" You pointed at Mari, yelling.

"No! You caught onto me!" Mari put her hand to her forehead dramatically, her other hand rested on her heart as she stuck her tongue out, now pretending to be dead, but standing up.

"Um..." Sunny stood in the kitchen, a plate rested on the table in front of him. As he watched everything go down, he stood there silently.

"Sunny are you trying to eat steak again?" Mari stopped pretending, the care for her brother much important than playing around. "Don't microwave it! Give me that!" Mari shouted, running over to Sunny as he took the plate of stake, inching it closer to the microwave.

"Now I can watch this in peace." You sighed. It was a sigh of relief. Unpausing your show, you lied there, turning up the volume as Mari and Sunny fought over the stake. It wasn't your problem anyway.

"Hey, lazy bones!" Mari was behind the couch once more, but this time she was holding the plate of stake high in her hand, Sunny next to her, jumping to reach it. "Can we please just go outside?"

"I don't really feel like it." You shrugged.

"I know what to do." Mari's face was graced with a smug smile as she laughed, seeing how her plan would go out through her mind. 

Mari walked into the kitchen, Sunny following behind her, desperate for the stake. Noticing Sunny's persistence, Mari placed the stake inside of the highest cabinet, knowing that Sunny couldn't reach it. 

"Mmgh.." Sunny growled, crossing his arms, a mixture of sadness and anger in his eyes.

"If you go outside and wait, then I'll reheat the steak for you when we get back!" Mari offered a deal, and without any sort of hesitation, Sunny agreed. Sunny, with a smile on his face, walked out the front door, wearing layers and layers of clothes. "Part one, complete."

Mari now with DETERMINATION, (just as Frisk), triumphantly sauntered behind the couch once more, tapping your shoulder. You sighed, pausing your show once more.

"Wha-" Before you could say anymore, Mari grasped onto your exposed hand, dragging you off of the couch. Now lying on the floor, the blankets on top of you still, you looked left and right for the remote.

"Looking for this? Ahaha!" Mari laughed. She stood on the couch, holding the remote in her hand. You had to admit, she made a pretty good villain. As you rushed to stand up, Mari vanished. She wasn't on the couch anymore. "There we go!" You felt a tug on your ear and- Mari was next to you, dragging you by the ear.

"Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow..." You winced as Mari tugged on your ear, and before you knew it, you were dragged upstairs by Mari. Now in your bedroom, Mari got some sweaters, coats, scarfs, boots, and gloves for you. Of course, you got to choose which one you wanted to wear. Finally, you were done dressing and unwillingly dragged outside in the cold snow. And after a long time, you finally made it to Hero and Kel's house.

𝐎𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐈 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora