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Isaiah POV:


Evelyn:slim shady is back bitches.

She tried to laugh but coughed instead, I chuckled and kissed her surprisingly she kissed back.

Evelyn:is that baby ok?

Me:yes Prinzessin she is, and she is healthy and fine. Why didn't you tell me?

Evelyn:I didn't know, I just didn't think you want the baby so I didn't bother about it.

Me:Evelyn I would always want you and the baby, I wanted a baby a family and my mate as my fucking wife. There's nothing else in the world that I want more than just my family and my beautiful mate.

Evelyn:aww how sweet now stop acting like that, disgusting.

I chuckled and she smiled, I looked at her and admired her.

Evelyn:I need to get up.

She tried to get up, she managed to stand up but I saw her leg about to give out but I stood behind her and felt her.

Evelyn:you know it's not nice to tease a person when they are hurt and can't have sex.

Me:then I guess you just have to deal with it.

I heard a knock and her dad and this lady came in.

Evelyn:hey grandma and dad.

Derek:oh my baby!!

He hugged Evelyn and I slightly growled which I didn't mean to, I backed away and he laughed.

Derek:it's ok Isaiah I was like that when I met her new step mother.


She groaned in pain and I came up behind her.

Derek:you'll meet her soon, but for right now you need to lay down so your grandma can heal you.

Grandma:I need Storm to come up to the surface. Please

I saw her eyes change and there her eyes were purple.

Storm:yes ma'am?

Grandma:Chanel all of your energy on her and ripper needs energy on the bay while we do this  


Her eyes turned back to green and I saw her smile at me, she closed her eyes and I just watched her and her grandma.

~2 Hours Later~

Evelyn POV:

I felt so much energy when my grandma was healing me, ripper had energy protection spell on the baby girl and Storm had energy on me. I already felt my body healing but there is gonna be a lot of scars like damn.

I saw Isaiah asleep next to me, he held onto my hand and wouldn't let go.

Grandma:alrighty, there you have it sweetheart you should be healed right now actually since Storm helped and so did Isaiah.

Me:he did?

Isaiah:I did?

Grandma:yes beast helped.

Me:I owe both of you now. One for saving my life and second saving my life.

(Isaiah:of course you owe me Prinzessin, that sexy beautiful body of mine is gonna be fully mine tonight, we are finishing the mate bond then we will be fully mated.)

My Envious Biker/Beast (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now