The morning after the night before.

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"Liam you're doing it wrong." I laughed and tried to pull the cotton out of his hands to take over.

"No, I want to do it myself." He snatched it back and his small features scrunched up with concentration.

I didn't notice it before but looking at him now I'm seeing things differently. His clothes were dirty like they hadn't been washed in a while, or ever. His face was sad, like his heart was breaking right in front of me and no matter how painful that was for him he didn't acknowledge the hurt. Instead he pushed it somewhere deep down inside and made a promise to himself to deal with it later.

He got so good at that, it ruined him. There was no one to tell and nowhere to hide and with each and every time he suffocated his hurt a small piece of him died.

"There. I'm done." He held out the small bracelet, it actually looked good considering he didn't know how to plait. He put a lot of time and effort into this stupid piece of material, he wanted it to be perfect. I knocked mine out in under five minutes because I was a pro at making friendship bracelets, all my dolls had one but Liam wanted to make sure I was pleased with it.

"I love it, I'm going to keep it forever." As I said the words his face beamed with light, I had mended a crack in his broken soul. It was only a tiny crack but it made him that little bit stronger. Right before my eyes bruises started appearing on his face and confusion rolled onto mine.

Why didn't I notice? I thought to myself as I watched his skin change in front of me.

"I promise to be friends with you forever." I vowed as I slipped the black and white bracelet over his wrist.

"I promise to keep all of your secrets." He whispered as he slipped the green and white bracelet over my wrist.

We shook hands somewhere in the middle to make the most important promise.

"We promise to have a seven tiered wedding cake and help each other eat it all, even if our bride and groom don't want us to share." The tree house filled with childish giggles, the cedar walls echoed out in happiness and in that moment we really thought that those promises would remain forever.

Liam was older now, his face was angry. I tried to reach out for him but he was slipping away, fading into the darkness. The coldness was back, it chilled my bones. Was it because we didn't keep our promises?

"What the fuck is this?" Liam shouted.

My eyes sprung open and the brightest light filled my head, I winced painfully and screwed them closed. But then I realized that this was reality and slowly opened them again. My hand was slung over Jordan's bare chest and my body was molded around his. In that moment I looked at him, he looked at me and we both looked at Liam before reacting. Then in a sudden movement Jordan leaped out of bed and paced towards Liams horrified face.

Liam's eyes looked up and down Jordan's practically naked body and then without saying anything he coiled up his fist and punched Jordan square on the cheekbone.

"Fuck! Liam! What the fuck!" Jordan screeched as he coiled over gripping his face.

My head felt like there was a thousand trucks bashing against my skull and one hundred power drills penetrating my brain. Everything was too loud and too bright. The vomit was clogging at the back of my throat and I couldn't hold it down any longer. Quickly I grabbed the empty trashcan which was located conveniently beside my bed and emptied my stomach.

"Liam!" Jordan shouted after him but the door slammed shut and I groaned at the sound. "Fuck!" He exclaimed. I rubbed my temples trying to block out Jordan's loud voice. "I told you not to fucking touch me Olive." He turned his anger towards me.

BAD BOY SAVED (female pov)Where stories live. Discover now