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The noise of two guys shouting in the corridor about laundry woke me up and rendered me momentarily confused. My eyes blinked in the sight of Liams dorm room, white walls filled with posters of sweaty athletes. Liam mumbled something inaudible and then grabbed my body tighter. I closed my eyes trying to drift myself back to sleep now the corridor was a little quieter.

I must have been lightly dozing for no longer than ten minutes before I heard a fumble of keys in the lock. My heart rate increased and I shoved Liam hard in the chest to wake him up. His silver eyes opened wide immediately and a fearful expression troubled his handsome face.

Regretfully, I know I caused that.

I pointed my head towards the door and he quickly realized what I was trying to tell him. He sat up in bed and rubbed his tired eyes. I pulled the sheet higher to conceal my body.

"Olivia I-" Liam started nervously but he didn't finish his sentence before the door flung open.

"Hey Roomie."

"Reece!" Liam squealed in a ear piercing high pitched tone, he cleared his throat "I thought you had practice till three."

I watched as Liam rubbed the back of his neck and wore a guilty expression that made my gut wrench. I was frozen to the core at the display in front of me. Liam had neglected to mention that Reece was in fact a girl. A very attractive girl. She walked into the room with ease, shooting me a small wave with her perfectly manicured fingers but I was unable to move my arm to wave back.

Did I even want to wave back?

"Just grabbing my stuff." She said as she pulled a gym bag out from under her bed. Her perfect brunette hair was swished back into a ponytail and she had a natural contour to her face that highlighted her understated beauty. Her body was toned and beautiful showing off the obvious sign that she was an athlete, like Liam.

"Sorry to disturb you, I'll get out of your way now." She looked at me with a perfect smile that sparkled her hazel eyes "You must be Olivia."

I couldn't talk so I just nodded like an idiot.

Why did I have such a problem with this?

"Well I'd love to stay and finish this conversation but like I said I'm late." Her tone was sarcastic and mocking. I instantly disliked her.

I pulled away from Liam, getting out of bed and dressing immediately. Suddenly I felt extremely self conscious. He watched me warily.

"She seems.... nice." I lied with an aggressive tone that I tried to keep hidden from Liam who looked like I had just caught him red handed in the cookie jar.

"Liv?" He said nervously, testing the waters.

"Hmm?" I replied trying to act nonchalantly but failing miserably because there was a rush of emotions running through my body right now and not a single one of them was good.

"It's okay she's a girl, right?" He was awkward and shy.

"Yeah, why wouldn't it be?" The lie made my voice strangely high pitched but underlined with an angry tone.

"I can request a change if it's going to be a problem." He seemed sincere enough and I wanted to scream at him to put that request in right now.

I didn't want him sharing a room with this gorgeous girl who obviously has a lot in common with him. I wanted him to myself. But then I remembered his words from last night, he could have flew off the handle about Luke but he didn't. Maybe this is why he didn't. Either way, he remained calm and placed his trust in me, so now I needed to repay the favor.

BAD BOY SAVED (female pov)Where stories live. Discover now