//Chapter 3//

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-Ed's POV-

I sighed as I started my car. I knew this wasn't going to be easy but I couldn't handle it here in Gotham anymore. 

I tapped my fingers on the steering wheel as I drove through the city. 

God, what was he going to say? How's he going to react? Will he stop me?

I shook the thoughts out of my head and watched the road. I was taking a last look at the city before I left. 

Sooner than I thought, I was there. I got out of my car and texted Oswald. 

I'm outside -E

It was hardly a moment before I got a response.

Wait, why? -O

I'll explain it in a minute, just come down -E

I put my phone in my pocket and took a deep breath. The door of the apartment complex opened and Oswald came out. He walked towards me "Ed, what's going on? Wait, were you crying?". 

I looked down in shame "Oswald, I... I came here to say goodbye. I'm running away". 

Oswald was silent for a moment "Can't you stay here? We have room for you in the apartmen-"

I cut him off "It's not just my mom, Oswald. It's everything. This city, school... I don't know how much more I can handle". 

He took a deep breath "Wait out here, I'm going to go pack a bag and write a letter". 

I finally looked up "What?". 

He looked me in the eye "Do you really think I'll let you go alone? You're my only friend in this shithole. Just wait a few minutes". He jogged into the apartment.

I laughed to myself "That's not what I expected". 

It was a little while before Oswald came out of the apartment complex. We got into the car and Oswald put his bag in the back seat alongside mine. I looked at him "Are you sure about this?"

He nodded "Yup".

I turned to look at the road "Follow up question, are you ready for this?"

He took a deep breath "Ready as I'll ever be".

Ready as we'll ever be.

{Runaways} [Nygmobblepot//Teenage au]Where stories live. Discover now