Chapter 15: The Midterm - Part 3 ❤️

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"No way out." Tina scanned left and right with a sigh.

"Bright side"—Dee crouched beside the water flora Brandon had sensed—"At least we made it."

Throwing a decent-sized rock in the large lake, Tina grumbled as she quickly lost sight of it. "Please, tell me y'all can swim." The group nodded.

There is a god, she inwardly cheered.

"Trying to drown us?" Brandon asked.

The bent-over Protected smirked and pulled back from the foggy water lapping at her cheek. "The average person can hold their breath for anywhere between thirty seconds and two minutes." A pensive moment passed. "I'll play test dummy."

"No," Brandon said decisively.

Tina turned to her Guardian, caught off guard. "Maybe I can find an exit," she said with a risen brow.

"It's too deep," Brandon argued.

"We don't know how deep it is."

"I just watched you. It's deep enough where you can't touch the bottom." He looked at her wet arm.

"It could level out."


"The current's weak. A novice could outswim it." Tina stood her ground with her hands on her hips.

"The water looks... questionable," Dee interjected.

Reaching in her bag, Tina pulled out a pair of goggles. Throwing them around her neck, she searched for another pair to offer a curious-looking Denzel. "Underwater caving is more popular than you might think. Most times, cave water can be drunk because of its low salinity." Handing Dee a prescriptive pair of swimwear, Tina winked. "It should be fine"—she turned and swatted Denzel's cupped hands down—"Don't drink it!"

"So, safe?" Dee asked, confused by Tina's mixed signals.

"I didn't say that."

Now, it was Denzel's turn to interject. "It'll be pretty dark down there. Will ya be alright?" He pocketed the borrowed eyewear.

"The goggles will help with visibility," Tina answered and puffed from, at last, prying Brandon's clasped hands apart. "Stubborn!" she said as she slipped the strap of his goggles in his grip.

"You know that's not what I asked," Denzel chided.

"You're stubborn, too"—Tina exhaled—"When I get in, I might cause a silt-out and lose sight. If that happens, you and Dee lighting my path would help a lot."

"We gotcha." The duo gave her a simultaneous thumbs up.

Tina giggled as she took down her bun and stripped off her footwear and jacket. She left her leggings and tank top on, knowing the items would protect her in the chilled water. Putting her hair in a tight ponytail, she joked morbidly, "If I'm not out in five minutes, I'm probably dead."

"Don't play like that!" Denzel screeched as Tina put her belongings away.

"You're right. Bad taste"—she stretched—"Sorry." After a few more stretches, the teen moistened the seal of her goggles with a bit of drinking water. "I'm ready," she turned to the group. Denzel and Dee clicked their lights to the highest setting with determined expressions. Tina contemplated for a second... "Brandon, take my light."

"I can see fine in the dark."

"But I can't."

"The lamp's waterproof. Take it with you."

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