Chapter 16: Wendigo? - Part 1

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The week of Halloween - October 25th.

Leaning against a tall planter, Ashley snickered. "I hate to break it to you, Hails, but with that thing,"—she eyed her grumbling friend's fluffy suitcase—"you're one hundred percent a tourist."

As Denzel and his backpack slipped through the last airport checkpoint, Monáe wheeled over three glittery rectangles.

"Like Guardian, like Protected," Ashley said, her amused eyes raking over the luggage cart before turning to her chiming phone.

As Dee placed her bag atop the cart and tried to pick a fight with Denzel over the word howdy being offensive when used by non-Texans, Roscoe swallowed a sigh. Zipping his jacket, he reminded the two to behave.

"Psst, Ross," Tina mock whispered, her eyes locked on her phone. "How long until we're back?"

"That is unkno-"

Chaotic giggles cut the air as Tina all but forgot her tipped and tangled luggage to send a text.

Separating his and Ashley's bag from Tina's, Roscoe slipped from an imposing scowl to a smile. "Be honest, T,"—he dwarfed her shoulder with an arm—"when did you get ahold of superglue?"

"Shut up"—she blushed and pocketed her phone—"The first date went well," she said, her voice lowered as she bit her lip and peeked through her lashes to the exit, "no kiss, but-"

"Ashley conversation," Roscoe teased.

"The stupid G/P program has us so busy that I haven't been able to nail down a second date, not that Jamie hasn't tried."

"Perhaps you can after this assignment."

"I like your optimism." She smiled before going still at the opening glass. Instantly frozen by the sight of slanted rain, the woman looked to her sneakered feet. As the artic-like downpour misted her, she could only try to remember if she'd packed boots.

"Our ride's lost." Ashley scanned the sea of yellow cars as her precise fingers zoomed across her keyboard. "The contact says they're here, but I don't see them."

People-watching beneath the large awning, Hailey alerted Brandon of his haphazardly strewn baggage. She cocked her pierced brow. "Distracted today, B?"

Moving his things aside, Brandon gave a tiny harrumph.

"Ash," Roscoe called, interrupting her vexed dialing. "I believe that I located our transportation." Pointing to the approaching stretch that had Denzel and Hailey glaring at each other over the most legroom, he reminded, "This is business, not pleasure!"

"¿Por qué no los dos?" Ashley's eyes sparkled mischievously.

Large hands stroked freckled cheeks as the limo's hazards twinkled to life. "Though having both is not always possible," the man whispered conspiratorially, "if you keep improving your illecebrous Spanish," he paused to regulate the smoky tone of his voice, "exceptions may be made."

"Mr. Tyler and companions," a rather plain-looking but exuberantly dressed chauffeur greeted the youth. "Leave your bags to me, please." White-gloved hands gestured to exquisite doors.

As the others offered their things, a sharp whistle pierced the air, Denzel catching Roscoe stealing a kiss. "Really"—the weasel maneuvered to chuck his backpack in the limo—"Ya were just screamin' 'bout this bein' work."

"Ash, could you-" An incensed shout, Hailey's. "And he just ducked inside," Roscoe groaned.

The redhead chuckled. "I'll go corral them."

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