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Phoenix never asked to be a romantic. It just seems to follow him everywhere he goes. No matter how hopeless the situation may seem, his heart always takes control. Once the knot ties itself, it becomes difficult to drop the cord. Once the blinders are on, it becomes difficult to move them away. Once his eyes focus on a task, his heart refuses to free him until the goal is accomplished. For nothing is impossible in the eyes of a hopeless lover. 

♥ ♥ ♥

Rain patters down onto the busy street. People bustle about with their umbrellas raised high. The monochrome setting covers all those who traverse on its grounds. Despite the dismal weather, the town does not rest. Thunder rumbles in the distance as Phoenix stands alone with no umbrella to keep him dry. He shivers rather noticeably. A small paper bag rests in his hand as he tightly clenches onto it in fear of it blowing away. Despite his entire body being soaked in rain, he works to keep the treasure in his fist safe. Phoenix releases a puff through his nose as he makes his way down the damp sidewalk. He hangs his head as rain drips from the tips of his hair. He realizes what poor of a day it was to wear shorts when the forecast predicted such weather. He folds his arms in defeat. Through the blurs of grey and black crossing the boy's eyes, a glimmer of color can be seen. A burst of yellows and pinks approaches along with slight tapping of shoes. A petite brunette girl stands before the distraught boy. A small smile crosses her face at the sight of him. Phoenix turns his head towards her as his face turns a beating shade of red. His arms slowly uncross and fall to the side. His legs begin to tremble like jelly as he locks eyes with the girl before him. Small droplets of rain fall from her bangs as some water appears to have penetrated her umbrella. Phoenix envies her ever so slightly. The rain continues to pour onto the boy's head however he refuses to move a muscle. The girl observes this fact with something of a show of pity. She extends the umbrella over Phoenix's head getting herself a little wet in the process. He stares at her with an agape jaw as his legs continue to tremble. She spreads a wider smile as her other hand latches onto the boy's rain-drenched arm. She pulls him close to her so the two of them fit perfectly under the bright yellow umbrella. The two of them continue to lock eyes with one another, the girl much calmer than the other. Phoenix retains his shocked stare as his entire brain seems to stall. He clenches the bag in his hands tighter for he had nearly forgotten about it. A realization immediately hits him as he grasps back onto reality:

"Oh! I know it's a little early but...happy birthday, Emily! I hope you don't mind."

Emily stares down at the little paper bag as Phoenix places it into her hand. He takes the umbrella from her as she uses both hands to open the package. A small gasp escapes her lips along with a soft smile. A small golden locket now rests delicately in her hands. She looks up at Phoenix with a look of shock. He sheepishly rubs the back of his neck with a chuckle.

"Gosh, do you like it? I sure hoped that you would! I saved up every last penny that I could earn with my chores and—"

Emily 'tsks' slightly under her breath as she gives Phoenix a small peck on the cheek. The boy nearly collapses onto the ground as heat violently circulates through his body. She laughs quietly as Phoenix's already spiky hair stands up on end. While he retains his composure, Emily locks the necklace around her neck. It falls delicately across her dress and Phoenix cannot deny how excellent it looks on her. A smile spreads across his face as the two of them walk home hand in hand.

Phoenix wonders how something so perfect could come to him effortlessly. 

♥ ♥ ♥

"Stop! Please! I didn't do it! I promise I didn't take it!"

Phoenix whimpers as he covers his face with his hands amidst a swarm of pointed fingers. An entire classroom locks their eyes onto him. Condescending stares follow him at all angles. One boy reclines at the back of the room in his desk chair away from the others. He scratches his nose as he scoffs mockingly at his classmates. Phoenix continues to cry as his teacher folds her arms. She curls her lip as her eyes narrow. The poor boy expects her answer:

"Now, Phoenix. Stealing isn't a very good thing to do. Why don't you give the money back now?"

"I told you already! I didn't do it!" Phoenix hoarsely coughs through his tears.

The teacher clicks her lips disapprovingly as the entire class begins to chant—

"Dirty thief! Dirty thief! Dirty thief!"

The words drill deep into Phoenix's brain. His ears begin to ring as his eyes fill with humiliation. He continues to hide his face as the chant grows louder and louder. Suddenly, out of the corner of his eye, a burst of color can be seen. What appears to be a familiar figure crosses his eyes; his eyes are so blurry with tears it makes it hard for him to see. He turns towards the colors and wipes his eyes. A small gasp of hope leaves his lips. Before him stands Emily with a look of distress on her face. She clearly just entered the room for she seems unaware of everything that has happened. This could work in Phoenix's favor.

"What is going on, everyone? Why are you making Phoenix cry?"

Phoenix hiccups as a small smile crosses his tear-stained face. His eyes rest on the locket resting across her chest. That is a sign that she will stand up for him no matter what. Phoenix convinces himself that is the truth. A boy from across the classroom speaks up, interrupting Phoenix's fleeting thoughts.

"Phoenix stole someone's lunch money! We all know that he did it!"

The class begins to raise the chant once more. Phoenix's face covers with fear again. The boy in the back of the classroom releases another scoff as he reclines farther back in his chair. Emily hangs her head for a moment as she approaches Phoenix. A sort of shadow covers her eyes. Phoenix feels his stomach turn ominously. Emily raises her eyes to him and crosses her arms. A completely new aura takes over the girl.

"Phoenix stole the money. I saw him do it."

Phoenix lets out a pained gasp as he backs away slowly. Emily keeps her eyes harshly locked onto him. He watches as she slips the locket off of her neck. She grabs onto Phoenix's wrist and places the locket into his trembling hands. A look of horror crosses the boy's face.

"B-but Emily! This is yours! I-I thought you would stand up for me!"

"Sorry, Feenie. I can't be anywhere near a thief. Especially one who lies about it."

For the first time in his life, Phoenix felt his heart shatter. He felt it crumble and slip through the cracks of his fingers just like the locket once resting in his hand. He can barely breathe through his sobs as Emily joins the chant of his hostile classmates. The time seems to slow down around him as he grips onto his head in pain. Then all at once, it all went silent. Too silent, as one fatal cry rings through the classroom. All eyes move from one boy to another. A dash of red crosses Phoenix's blurry eyes and covers his cheeks. The boy feels his jaw drop slightly. Perhaps this was someone new who truly would be the one to protect him.

Phoenix feels his heart latch onto its newest victim.

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