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Arms, take your last embrace. And, lips, O you

The doors of breath, seal with a righteous kiss

A dateless bargain to engrossing death.

Come, bitter conduct, come, unsavory guide.

Thou desperate pilot, now at once run on

The dashing rocks thy seasick, weary bark.

Here's to my love! O true apothecary,

Thy drugs are quick. Thus with a kiss, I die.

The cold night begins to fall as Phoenix hunches on the floor of the Detention Center. Soft hiccups can be heard as he sobs into his legs now pressed against his face. Spots of water can be seen on his pants from the tears melting down his cheeks. Although he was able to bring his book (through a lot of pathetic begging), the ending was the last thing he needed right now. A single argument led to a first-class ride to temporary prison and a murder trial and his Dollie was nowhere to be seen. He wipes his nose with a loud sniffle before he wraps his hand around the pedant still resting across his chest. 'Dollie was there,' He thinks to himself. 'She will tell everyone that I am innocent. She has to stand up for me. We are in love, after all!' Sniffling once more, Phoenix releases a puff of air as he rests his head on the wall. It feels just as cold as the floor. As Phoenix's banging headache continues to get worse, a cold surface is exactly what he needs. A camera sits in the corner of the room. Phoenix would be lying to himself if he were to say he made no conversation with it. After all, there is an unfortunate listener on the other side. In the silence of the cell, Phoenix begins to think about the trial. He heard that his defense lawyer was a man by the name of Marvin Grossberg, but he knows nothing about the prosecution. That was one detailed that he was spared besides the officer that said he should 'say his prayers'. The cops are typically pretty quiet about that topic nowadays it seems. The spreading rumor is that there is heavy corruption within the Prosecutor's Office, but authorities have told the press to keep that on the downlow. Unfortunately, that sort of info leaks far too easily. A newspaper headline crosses Phoenix's brain. He closes his eyes with a cringe. Suddenly, a thought crosses his mind as a shadow falls across his face. His eyes widen with a glimmer of desperate hope. All of the pieces that he has been given start to fall into place. Could it be? Could it possibly be him? After all these years, could this be the day in the courtroom that brings the two of them back together again? Without a second to spare, Phoenix springs to his feet and runs to the bars. He begins to call out for any officer that might be still on duty. Sounds of groaning can be heard from fellow inmates around him who are attempting to get a little sleep. He continues to call out to anyone who would hear. His words just seem to echo off of the walls and shoot right back at him. The sound of footsteps can be heard around the corner a few moments later. They do not appear frantic or angry but relaxed. Much more relaxed than Phoenix would have ever expected. A police officer eating what appears to be a bagel saunters up to the bars. His eyes sag slightly but a small smile rests on his face. Phoenix releases a sigh of relief to have such a nonchalant officer aid him. He continues to munch on the bagel as he asks Phoenix what he needs.

"I'd like to make a phone call. I'm allowed to do that, aren't I?"

"Sure are, kid," The cop takes another bite. Some seeds fall onto the floor; "You only get one, so you had better choose wisely."

"Don't worry. I know exactly who I want."

The cop shrugs his shoulders and opens the bars. He does not keep a physical hold onto Phoenix but stands close by to make sure he does not run. As they walk, Phoenix begins to sweat. He feels his legs noticeably begin to shake. He can hear his heartbeat ringing through his ears. Phoenix takes a double-take on his emotions. This rare feeling has only occurred to Phoenix three times concerning three different individuals—Emily, Dahlia, and one other. Perhaps it had happened with others, but those three remain the most significant to him. The officer takes Phoenix to a small room. The walls are just windows so the caller can be alone in the room but an officer can also keep an eye on them. A small black payphone sits on the wall with a layer of dust lining the top. Phoenix swallows down what anxiety he can. Coughing away the dust, the cop picks up the phone and prepares to dial.

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