Chapter Two

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It was the first train Ventura had ever been on.

Out of the roughly thousands of nomadic children able to attend, only thirty-two volunteered to go. Most were about Ventura's age- if not older. With just as much thrill for the adventure, or perhaps lack of forethought. Perhaps a free trip to Europe sounded just as enticing to them as it had to herself.

The windows framed a portrait worthy landscape of European Forrest and fields, all green and ripe with the summer season. It was all alive, the fields buzzed with bugs, birds flew in the ocean blue sky, the green grass blew lightly in the wind- Ventura wondered how such a thing like winter was only lurking around the corner.

Ventura had never seen a cold winter in her life, she wondered how such a thing like snow was capable in such an environment. How it could eat everything that was alive and spit it out gray and dead.

But the train ride was only beginning of new experiences and places to see. Hogwarts itself was the biggest building Ventura had ever laid eyes on.

It was hidden in the mountains, and it's aged cobblestone exterior and Renaissance architecture left everything to the imagination. She imagined that she was a storybook princess, Cinderella or Snow White, strolling inside to relish in her wealth.

The stone path was cool against her calloused feet, it felt like walking on silk when compared to the overcooked abrasive sand she was used to treading along.

Inside was where the first glimpses of the fabled uniforms came into reality. The real surprise was how content the students appeared wearing the same thing save for splashes of gold, red, green and blue depending on the student.

"We have arranged for your arrival to be a bit delayed from the other students." Omer Sparks was the leader of the group, he stood at the forefront of the crowd as the nomads eyes are up their surroundings.

"I suppose this is many, if not all of your first time being in an academic facility. Now students- thats what you all are now- don't get too excited, there'll be plenty of time to explore."

No one from the group had been abundantly eager to step a toe more than a foot away from their fellow peer. The very sight of them was enough to make the passing students hush their conversations and gape at them- some few lacking manners pointed.

They were a sight to behold- the girls hair were all varying colors of red, blonde, black, brown- but worn at the least to the waist. Some let their hair fall in its wild glory, with others decorated theirs with a few stray braids or shell beads woven in. Boy or girl, they were in next to nothing when compared to the student body.

Even Ventura had supposed her attire was conservative enough, her grandmother Eileen had warned her of the European wizards affliction towards skin. She was in the longest pants she owned- a beige linen that didn't hug her legs. Only her arms and mid torso were exposed, but now she might as well have been naked.

"We will begin by sorting you all into your houses- thats where the real fun of it all is." Omer Sparks seemed abundantly happy to share this knowledge onto the students, though this was replaced by disappointment by their lack of reaction.

"Then we will begin the placement tests."

This bore a reaction, the nomads glanced at each other with curiosity. They had never taken a test before.

They were taken into a great big hall, with rows of empty mahogany benches and tables that looked as though they could seat the entire school. In the middle was a long aisle, showing off the pristinely shined stone floor.

Ventura liked the feeling of the floor even more than she enjoyed the path outside- it was like shined marble underneath her soles. When instructed, the nomads took their seats towards the front. There, at a long desk sat a long bearded man with round glasses that sat at the tip of his button nose.

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