Chapter Four

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The Australian communes were the melting pot of the wizard world.

It wasn't unusual to see a magic carpet in the mix of broomsticks- though Ventura liked riding carpets, she found broomsticks easier to manage. They also practiced a mix of wand and wandless magic, and heavily believed in energy, and energy healing.

The nomads believed that they were born more tuned into the energy around them and how to manipulate it, while muggles were less fortunate though were able to practice what could be considered soft magic- or as they called it, watered down intuitive magic.

Intuitive magic. They believed all things- especially magic- was energy, and thus practiced reiki and chakra like healing methods that were heavily practiced. Ventura liked to tap into people's energy, most of the time she found neutral tones- a equal balance of happy and sad. Stressful energy weighed on her chest, anger gave her a headache, sadness made her feel like she was melting- but Draco... he was cold.

She had never felt an energy like this, so mangled and twisted with emotions and intent she had never encountered before. It was chilling, yet it made her even more intrigued.

"What god do you worship?"

Ventura looked up from her writing, Hermione had taken a rare pause from her work to ask open up the rabbit hole.

"I read a book- it said you all believe in pagan gods, like Aphrodite, Zeus, Athena- is it true?"

It was true, every year during Samhain- believed to be the easiest time of the year to speak to the gods- the nomads from all over would gather to celebrate the harvest and the newly turned eighteen year olds. They would line up outside of a tent, and one by one the oldest elders would perform the choosing ritual. The teen would then be chosen by a god to make alters to, and it was believed that they would aid in their magic and better their special traits.

For example, those chose by Aphrodite were skilled at love and fertility potions. Followers of Artemis had a natural green thumb and were skilled with agriculture spells and potions.

"I won't know until I turn I'm old enough." Ventura said softly.

"Do you have an idea?"


"Do you have a choice?"

"No. It's whoever chooses me." Though, Ventura wasn't sure how the choosing ceremony went. You weren't allowed to say after going through it, it was considered bad luck.

"Who do you think will do that?"

"I don't know."

"Who do you want?"

"I'm not sure, I haven't given it much thought." She felt bad over her short answers, but that was the truth- the world of gods and goddesses was more so carried on by tradition. But still she offered Hermione a bone.

"I know for a fact, I don't want Artemis." She said softly. The girls eyes widened a bit in surprise, but she leaned in eagerly.

"She's the goddess of chastity." Ventura went on raising her eyebrows hoping Hermione got the point. She sighed once the girls ears gobbled up every word she said, and stared back at her hungry for more.

"We all are supposed to keep our chastity sacred until we turn eighteen- you know in case we get chosen by Artemis-"

"The slate isn't wiped clean?" Hermione cringed her eyebrows together.

"No. You're suppose to live your life in a way that honors your god, bad things are said to happen to those who break Artemis's chastity vow... I once heard of a girl who lost her virginity when she was sixteen- something... inside ended up tearing- she had an awful infection that she let fester until it was nearly too late she was just too embarrassed to get help. As it turns out, Artemis chose her."

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