Chapter 12

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Hugo's POV

Sofia was unconscious but I still had my hand on hers.

I said softly as I bring her hand to my cheek, "Sofia?" "Sofia?" "Everything is going to be okay." "I'm right here."

She weakly opened her eyes as she whispered with her hand over her heart, "Oh Hugo."

She groaned as I slowly lifted her up.

I turn to Stefan as I asked, "Can you anything to help to her or is it the poison?"

He looked down at Sofia as he said, "I don't know what me and my mother should do but all I know this is my father's doing." "It's best if you take her to her room."

I walked to the door when I heard a growl behind it. There were some creatures with fire chained to their wrists. All of sudden, all of the creatures roared as they came in.

I looked up shocked and made a run for it.

James and Amber follow along with me. Until we bump into Clarence.

He said as he stopped us, "Wait you're going the wrong way!"

I asked confused still holding Sofia in my arms, "What do you mean?"

He said as he started to walk us to her room, "The creatures have taken over the castle." "We must take her to her room."

I gently lay Sofia on her bed when I heard a bang on the door.

I found a sword hidden somewhere. Me and James looked at each other before going to fight them.

When we realised that Clarence was gone.

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