The Birthday Party

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I raised my head from what felt like a table but it looked like the ones that were in the ogs party room but instead of having freddy , foxy , bonnie and chica on it had me and freddy , there were noises all around me , my eyes got use to my surroundings I looked at my hands I was human but there were way to small for a adults hands they were small and looked soft I then looked around only to see four teens ganging up on me their face were familiar then before I could even think about them they picked me up I tried scramming my way out of this but they all had me on their shoulders my arms were pinned down to my side and my legs were stuck and before I knew it I was at the foot of the stage and then I looked at a calendar that was just showing through the curtains "June 20 1987" I was thrown to the stage almost banging into old me I was on stage but my concains was in the kid the kid I killed looking up was hard I was scared of myself the kid with brown hair and freckles picked me up from my stomach then made eye contact with me the old me I was scared of I tried screaming but I couldn't I tried running and couldn't I was so scared I froze I could hear adults , workers yelling to leave chris alone was that my name "MIKE PUT DOWN YOU BROTHER" m-mike old me opened my mouth I think I was so scared I looked to the side to see freddy trying to get on stage he was screaming I think ol- CRUNCH now I was in old me eyes parents screaming adults yelling I saw freddy fall to his knees the teens face I saw it know it was mike the man who screamed mike's name came running picked up the died boy still with tears on his face it wasn't the head it was the skin I look down and see the kids top half of his face I wanted to fall to scream but my mouth was so soaked in blood that not a single sound came out just gushing blood the tears on the dead kids face was like the woman's blood red scared and sorrowful tears the puke that came out of the kids mouth in that nightmare about the deactivated me the blood in my mouth perfectly replicated it perfectly "AAAHHHHHHHH" Goldie ran out of the backroom its 1:00 am "FR-REDDY"

Ohh cliff hanger omg ok nobody cares .............................................................................................................................Anyways so yeah cliff hanger i'm gonna be posting something about all the characters right after this is posted and sorry this is short but yeah I'm gonna post next chp this week and I need askkkk also I'm going back on my stories to answer old questions which I don't think I have any mote of so yeah and sorry for this um bloody nightmare I thought it was creepy also the first two noghtmares were based on two book that already exist and those are 1:35 am written by SCOTT HIMSELF and the new kid also by scott so yeee BYE BEAN OUT!!!!!!!!

ASK GOLDIE ANYTHINGOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora