5. Kal

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"This is madness" I said mostly to myself as I joined Hitch, who was my assigned partner.

He looked down at me but didn't ask anything. His right eye swelled up and had a slight purple colour. I don't know how he expects to aim properly when he can't even see! The match with Sean yesterday left its marks on him as well. As he walked, I noticed that he tries not to put pressure on his left leg. That can be because Sean kicked him in the knees. The strike wasn't strong enough to break the bones, but surely hurt.

"You two go west" said Treck when he noticed us. "Make sure, she doesn't flee!" he turned to Hitch, who grinned down at me.

I just rolled my eyes and left Treck behind.

Hitch walked a few steps behind me with his machine gun.

It was very cold outside but thankfully there was no sign of a cloud. I was thankful for the extra layer of clothes I put on.

Everyone was scattered in small groups so that we could attack the hotel tower, which was located in the heart of the city centre, from several directions at once.

I can't remember the last time I was there. That's the territory of another gang, going there would have been suicide.

We've pretty much explored where others lived and tried to avoid them. We also had our own territory from which we collected and guarded supplies. There were times, of course, that some of us got into a fight that could be solved only by someone's death. Primitive solution I know, but what can I say! The world regressed and not just a little.

I've always tried to stay deep within our borders to make sure I don't meet any encounters. The areas are marked with graffiti, our symbol is a simple crown with three little circles representing a gemstone. It's not scary at all, but it's easy to scribble and delivers the message.

The warehouse was on the outskirts of town and we had to walk across a torn bridge. A plank tied the two halves together, which we had to balance on if we wanted to cross. There're other ways into town, but to go west, you have to come this way.

Luckily, it was still bright enough to see without a torch, but we had one in Hitch's backpack just in case.

Of the two of us, only he had a bag, I had my arrow and bow on my back because I don't know anything about firearms. I've never fired a gun in my life, but I've been practicing archery since I was a kid. It was the only sensible hobby we could choose at the orphanage, it was mandatory to have a hobby.

What a bullshit!

But thanks to that, I've been doing it since I was six, so I'm aiming bloody well with it. Then during the war, I learned how to use throwing knives as well.

No one in the gang cared that I couldn't use machine guns, they never offered to teach me. But at least I don't have to worry about wasting ammunition, because I can use the arrows again and again, I just need to collect them.

I've never used it against a human though, I didn't need to. I've always been able to handle the situation with knives.

I feel like that's going to change today.

Under the bridge, the ice-cold water of the canal was dribbling, which seemed a lot louder in the silence than it really was.

We didn't say a word to each other with Hitch, mostly because we had nothing to say. We weren't friends. I had no friends here, only acquaintances. As I said, I like to keep my distance from them.

I lived in this city for half a year, but in another neighbourhood, close to the centre. I've never been this out of town. I got to know the area by now, but in the beginning I had to use a map to navigate. Here almost every house is the same, small mobile homes in different colours with a small porch, yellow grass and décor flamingos or other fake animals and gnomes.

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