7. Kal

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I slowly opened my eyes, feeling very weak and hungry. I had no idea what happened or where I was. The place didn't look familiar at all.

I stared at the ceiling with a fluorescent tube lamp above me, which wasn't on.

I was lying on a bed, covered with a blanket and a soft pillow under my head. Turning my head to the right, I saw a window but the shutter was pulled down so I couldn't see anything beside the fact that it was daytime. On my other side a green curtain blocking the outside world.

I heard footsteps on the other side. They were walking up and down.

I wanted to get up to see what this place was but I was stopped by a pull on my left hand. I looked down and noticed that it was handcuffed to the bed.

My eyes widened, my heart was pounding loudly, I took short, quick breaths and started fighting with the metal by pulling my hand.

A sharp pain struck my stomach, but it didn't stop me. I hysterically tried to free myself.

Someone pulled the curtain to the side and ran to me, but I ignored them.

I felt like I couldn't breathe no matter how many times I tried to fill my lungs, it was useless. Like my body wasn't accepting the oxygen I afforded.

My mind was a mess, I tried to figure out where I was at the moment while at the same time I got the information of my last memory.

The pictures flooded my thoughts, everything began to clear out. The park, Hitch, the explosion!

It all was too much. It was impossible to process everything. It was too horrible. I didn't want to remember all this!

"Calm down!" I heard a woman's voice. Two hands were put on my shoulders and she pushed me back on the bed "It's alright! You are safe!"

I looked at the middle-aged woman with a stethoscope around her neck. She must have been a doctor, but she wasn't wearing the usual white coat. She wore an old, grey, long sleeved t-shirt and tied her long brown hair up in a ponytail.

Her voice remained calm and kind, which really made me feel better. I layed back on the bed and kept my eyes on the stranger who pulled up my shirt and examined my abdomen.

"Your wound is torn" she declared "Tammi!" she raised her voice "Bring a cloth and clean bandages!"

After a few moments, a young girl showed up at the curtain, holding the things the doctor asked for. The similarity between them was undeniable, I could see that immediately. They both had the same blue eyes and facial features, although the girl's hair was lighter and curly. She handed the cloth to her relative- probably mother-, who threw away my old bandage and wiped the blood off. I stayed still, but every muscle in my body tensed and watched their moves with suspicion. I've never met these people before in my life and it's not very pleasant to wake up with absolutely no clue where you are or who the people around you are.

"My name is dr. Bailey" smiled the woman at me as she taped down my stitched wound again "And this is my daughter, Tammi"

I turned my gaze to the girl, who waved and her lips curled up. She must've been about fourteen- fifteen years old.

"What's your name?" dr. Bailey asked me, but I didn't answer "Do you remember what happened to you? Who you are?"

I could have been offended by the question but considering I'm a survivor of a bomb explosion, these were reasonable questions. I could've suffered concussion or amnesia.

Amnesia wouldn't be so bad actually!

"I'm Kal"

The doctor smiled at me with encouragement.

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