6. Mack

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An explosion shook the area and I immediately stepped on the break turning the wheel to the right. My friends yelled at the sudden change. I tried to keep control of the vehicle but it wasn't easy on the slippy concrete. I could only hope my friends outside on the car were alright.

"What the hell was that?" asked Jenna after the shock wore off.

We all jumped out and circled up around the car, guns raised.

"Are you okay?" I turned to Chip who traveled on the back with Trent and Jude.

He nodded.

Jude fell off and was standing up while cursing as I ran to him.

"Sorry" I helped him.

He moved a little slow and I was afraid I injured him seriously. When I assisted him to the car the others closed up behind us to cover our backs. I sat him in the back seat.

"I'll be fine, don't worry!" He assured me when he saw my expression.

I let the door open and he took out his handgun but kept it on his lap.

I walked up to Reed at the front of the car and stood by.

We waited for someone to appear but all we saw was a smoke cloud reaching for the dark sky just around the corner.

I motioned to Reed to go and check it out.

He slowly approached the intersection, Chip and Trent watched the back of the car, Alex and Jenna were on the right and Colin was on the left with Jude. I kept my eyes on Reed and his surroundings, my finger on the trigger ready to fire.

He reached the building and peeked out. He scanned the area for a few moments, then turned back to me.

"There is no one"

I went to him and told him to cover me. Holding the gun up, I marched forward and searched for any sign of someone.

The green area where it happened was quiet and dark. Most of the trees lost their leaves but there were some evergreen bushes, they provided shadows for whoever blasted.

The park must have been nice back in the day, but now it was just a sad reminder of what my hometown used to be. The statue of one of our late presidents was pushed down off its marble pedestal. The ground and some trees were burned. The dry grass was on fire around the blast.

I had a hunch that it was the work of a gang. They're probably trying to mug us. With the explosion they distract our attention so they can steal the car and everything with it.

Well there is nothing inside, but they don't know that.

I was ready to run back, but then I saw an arm just lying on the ground.

"Reed" I yelled. He appeared on the corner. "Tell Jenna to come, the others stay by the car!"

He nodded and turned back.

I approached the body part and kicked it. It rolled over and I saw the dark burn marks on it. My stomach twisted at the sight. A few feet away I noticed a body- maybe-, I wasn't sure, it was so badly damaged.

Jenna and Reed arrived next to me. The girl gasped and turned away from the limb.

Maybe I should've called for one of the boys!

I watched her as she processed the view. I knew her, I knew she won't freak out, she is not some city princess, who can't take the sight of blood. She is truly one of us, equal and an honorary soldier just like myself or any of our friends. I only called her because I feel better if she is next to me, where I can keep an eye on her.

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