8. Mack

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I really needed a good sleep. With everything that happened in the past few days I had no time to rest.

Mom tested everyone who made contact with the Veerans but thankfully nobody got infected. Preston and the leaders were planning, thinking about what our next move should be. I was present in these meetings but the soldiers still don't like to hear my ideas. It's been like this since the beginning. At some level I understand that they don't look at me as equal. I'm at least fifteen-twenty years younger than most of them, but I can still have good ideas!

I rolled to my back and stretched my limbs before opening my eyes. The old mattress I share with Kevin is quite comfortable compared to our situation.

We have turned most of the classrooms into dormitories. Men and women separated. Some spouses are allowed to share a little, closed off space but most of us are fine with sleeping among many other people. We are just happy we have a roof above our heads. Kevin and I share a room with my friends and two other guys. Jenna, Tammi and mom are also assigned to the same room but mom usually spends most of her time in the nurse's room. She's overworking herself, only taking some hours of break to take a nap and that also in the nurse's room. I've been telling her to slow down but she never listens. During the day Tammi is with her but mom always sends her to sleep after dinner. Kevin has to help out in the kitchen now and then but mostly he just does what he wants with the other kids. He probably enjoys that his family is not around that much, I know I would've loved the freedom back when I was eleven.

I got up slowly, careful not to disturb my brother and got dressed. It is still quite cold inside, so I slept in my training pants and hoodie. The pants I changed to a pair of military trousers, my dad left for me.

I exited the room quietly.

The hallway was still quiet. Most people were asleep or already started their shifts. I walked straight to the cafeteria where the people usually hang out in case of bad weather. That space is the heart of the camp's social life. I wasn't surprised to find some people already there, including my friends Reed and Colin.

"Morning" I greeted them "You guys up early"

"My shift starts soon," Colin explained.

Apart from our occasional missions out of the school yard we mostly do guard duty. Yesterday I had an afternoon shift but today apart from the meeting with the unit leaders I'm free.

"I'm here because someone in my room snores like a drilling machine," Reed complained.

I couldn't help but laugh.

This happens when ten men share a room. One of them is bound to be snorer.

I grabbed a freshly baked bread and some scrambled eggs from the counter and joined the guys at the table.

We just casually talked about everyday stuff until Colin had to leave. He was an early bird, while most of us always complained about having morning shifts, he gladly accepted these assignments.

"So what are you doing up so early today?" Reed asked when Colin left. He knows me well enough to know something is up.

I sighed before answering.

"I'm worried about the meeting today" I told him "Preston said he will tell us his decision about our next step today"

"What are the options?"

"I don't even know them" I shook my head "Some want to stay, some want to leave the city or attack the Veerans"

"And what do we gain if we attack?"

"Personally I think nothing"

The cafeteria door opened and David walked in. He stopped at the entrance and looked around. When his gaze found us, he approached.

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