Chapter Twenty-Seven

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"Hello, Niall,"

"Hey, Sam. Are you okay? I'm sorry I couldn't come see you last night. I just didn't want to leave a bunch of wasted people in my apartment. I probably wasn't even in my proper mind. And Elizabeth is my girlfriend, I didn't just want to leave her, even if you are my best friend." He said, looking a bit guilty. He didn't seem drunk on the phone when I called him last night, but then again, i don't even seem to know what he's like anymore, drunk or sober.

It was then that I decided that I couldn't lie to him. I couldn't tell him that I was just drunk and experiencing a really bad hangover right now. He needed to know. He should know that my best friend wasn't there for me on the night I needed him most just because his girlfriend would have been left alone.

"Honestly Niall, I'm not okay. Not at all. I was just going to answer this door, and tell whoever was there that I was just hungover and had an amazing night with...Drew. Tell whoever knocked on that door that that was the reason I look like shit. But I can't. I can't lie anymore, especially to you. I'm tired of lying. So no, I'm not hungover. I didn't get drunk last night. My night with Drew wasn't great, it was shit. I went over to his flat expecting the night to be great. But, boy was I wrong. I knocked on his door and who opened the door. Not Drew. So who was it? That's an answer I can't even give you because I don't even know the sluts name. Yeah, the slut that was sleeping with my boyfriend. Did Drew even care that he got caught? No! Why would he? I was just some celebrity to sleep with. A good famous fuck." I was now getting angrier, and my voice was getting a little louder. I was pissed at everything, and Niall needed to know what a shit friend he's been, not matter if he thinks everything is better just because he apologized last night.

"I come home in tears, and I call the one person I needed. The only person who I wanted to support me. But he couldn't come because his god damn girlfriend was sleeping over. We may have talked last night about becoming close again, but it turned out to be shit. Especially because this time he couldn't even come over when I needed him most. This isn't even the first time this happened. This is the third time my best friend left me, and the second time he left me for his girlfriend. And you know what, Niall. I loved you. Hell, I probably still do love you. I loved you my whole life. I fell in love with my best friend. How god damn stupid am I? Why would my best friend ever love me back? Obviously he never did, considering he keeps leaving my life and I'm just so stupid as to just let him back in with a simple sorry. But I can't do it anymore. This time.. I'm ending this friendship. Hope Elizabeth is all you ever wanted and all you ever need. Because I'm no longer your best friend, Niall. Not are we even friends anymore. Have a good life, just know I'm no longer in it."

I slammed the door quickly, before he could say anything. I know if he did I would quickly probably break down in front of him and beg him to let me back into his life.

But I couldn't do that. Ever since he reentered my life, he just brought me even more pain then he did when he left for The X Factor. I can't have that sort of pain in my life, not anymore.

I slid down against the back of the door and cried, with Val hugging me reassuringly, telling me that everything was going to be okay.

But I knew that it wasn't going to okay. My life was never going to be the same without Niall. But it's how it was supposed to be.

"Val, I need to go home..." I told her. I couldn't stay in the flat that was on the same level as Niall's. I just needed some time away from him, and everybody. 

"To Paul and your mom?" 

"No, to Mullingar, to my dad." 


Sam slammed the door in my face after possibly having the last conversation with me ever. She didn't even let me say anything else, she just cut me off, possibly forever. 

Was this really it? The end of our friendship. Was I really that much of a shit friend? I didn't even know when my best friend... Ex-best friend, needed me. How stupid have I become?

And now I find out that the girl I was in love with all my life, loved me back. I was just so set on believing that she only ever wanted to be best friends to notice that she actually did reciprocate the feelings I had..have for her. But even if she does still love me, it's not like she will ever even talk to me again.

I need her in my life. Whether we become best friends again, or just simply acquaintances, it wouldn't matter to me. Having her back in my life would mean more then anything. Even worth more then having a girlfriend. Samantha will always mean more to me then any other girl, besides my mum.

I need to fix things. And I need to start by talking to Elizabeth.

And I knew exactly what I need to do.

I stomped back into my flat, wiping off the excess tears that I had cried when Sam was telling me she no longer wanted to be in my life.

I looked at the bodies of people that were still asleep in my flat, and Elizabeth wasn't one of them. I heard a sound in the kitchen, and that's exactly where I found her.

"Oh hey, Niall. Did you go talk to Sam? Is everything alright?" She asked after barely glancing over at me, too concentrated on the food she was making. But I could see the look on her face. It was almost as if she knew everything wasn't alright. It's almost as if she knew exactly why Sam had called me last night, but that's impossible. She couldn't know. I was the only one she wanted to talk to about it, she wouldn't have told Elizabeth. The only other person she would have told would probably be Valerie. 

"Actually, no, everything is not alright. We need to talk."

"Talk about what, babe?" She asked, her full attention now on me.

"I don't think I can do this anymore. I think we should break up...."

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