Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Niall's POV:


"Who the hell is Lily?" She was lying. I could tell. After all, I could finally see it now. There was never an Elizabeth. It's always just been her. Lily Anne Holder.

"There's no point in playing dumb with me anymore, Lily. I know who you are." I spat. I was furious.

"Fine, I am Lily. There! I admitted it. Are you happy now Niall?"

"No! Why the hell would you pretend to be someone else? What kind of crazy person does that?" I wanted to know. I needed to know.

"A person who has loved you for most of their god damn life That's right, Niall. I have always been in love with you. You were my best friend first but that stupid bitch took you away from me. You and me, Niall, we were meant to be together. Sam ruined that. So I had to lie to you a few times. Telling you she liked Danny, pretending to be Elizabeth, even hiring an actor to get Sam out of the way then break her heart. Everything I did, it was all for us Niall. All so that we could be together, forever. Without some other girl getting in the way."

I stared at her in complete and utter shock. She was crazy. And Drew, was that all her plan? Make her heartbroken. how could a person who looked so innocent, be so horrible on the inside and cause so much damage to other people's lives.

"Get.Out." I ordered, my voice barely over a whisper.

"Niall, baby please don't do this. I know you feel the connection we have. I know you feel it too."

"No I don't feel a connection. And don't call me baby. Get out of my flat and if I ever see you again or hear that you have hurt Sam in some way... The outcome wont be pretty."

I saw a single tear fall down her cheek. But not matter how harsh it sounded, I didn't care.

"Just get out now..."

She sighed and did what I asked of her. She turned around and slammed the flat door. I hoped that was the last time I would ever have to deal with her.

I headed for the living room where I knew I would be met with confused faces. No one could have slept through that argument. Not even Zayn.

As I suspected they were all up, staring at me expectantly.

"Uh, Niall could you uh, tell us what that was all about?" Asked a confused Liam.

"Turns out Elizabeth was actually one of my old friends that used to live in Mullingar before I even joined X Factor. Apparently she always loved me and uh, pretended to be someone else. Drew was an actor she got to break Sam's heart. And now everything between me and Sam is fucked and its all my fault." I told them, and I couldn't stop the tears from falling on my cheeks.

I sat down on the couch next to Zayn and he hugged me.

"Niall, go fix things." Harry told me, leaving me confused.


"Go to Sam, and fix things. We all know that you two are meant to be together. So, go on and get the girl you have always loved."

He was right. I needed to get her back somehow. I stood up and thanked them, and raced out of my flat and rushed to Sam's.

I knocked on her door and nearly fell over when it was flung open by Val.

"Where's Sam? I really need to talk to her."

"I'm sorry, Niall."

"Sorry for what?"

"Sam's gone."

SOrry for the shortness.

AND OHMYGOD. the 1D3D trailer! I nearly died, I NEED to see it. Im going to fangirl so hard while watching it. At least I know I will be with fellow fangirls :D

BYes for now

Rachel xoxo

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