Ch 8:New Me!

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(Y/n) Pov

I decided to go with the Eevee faunas because well I have an Eevee, and well I wanted to feel special. I typed out Eevee on the menu and then I had a splitting headache and it felt like the room went up 500 degrees.

Summer:(Y/n)! What happened? And be honest with me.

(Y/n):I found out that I could become a faunas with my semblance...I was curious, but after I clicked on faunas it wouldn't give me any information...All it gave me was a key pad, and wouldn't let me go back.

Summer:You could've asked me. Now your semblance has made you sick.

(Y/n):I'm sorry...Am I going to die?

Summer:Not on my watch.

She picked me up with Cookie in my arms.

Summer:Tai! Start the car! (Y/n) just dropped to the floor and couldn't move his arms.

Tai:On it!

Ruby:Mommy. Is (Y/n) alright?

Summer:I hope so.

I was so sick that I fell asleep in Summer's arms.

Summer Pov

I carried (Y/n) out to the car and told Tai to punch it.

(Timeskip to the Hospital)

The doctor came out of the x-ray room.

Summer:How is he doctor?

Doctor:His heart is getting weaker as every minute passes.

Summer:Is there a way to save him?

Doctor:Yes. We just need to use a special procedure that would make him a faunas.

Summer:What will it take?

Doctor:Just some blood from an animal that he seems to like the most.

I couldn't think of anything then I remembered Cookie. (Y/n)'s pet.

Summer:Use Cookie's DNA.

The doctor nodded then took a sample of blood from Cookie.

Doctor:You have my word he's in the best of hands.

(Weeks later)

(Y/n) Pov

I woke up in a new room I supposed was the hospital. My head was still throbbing, but my head and tailbone felt weird. Someone opened the door to the room I was in.

Doctor:(Y/n). How are you feeling?

(Y/n):I feel like I got ran over by a car then forced to get a sunburn.

He chuckled.

Doctor:Well. You caught a rare illness that is only able to be cured by turning the person in question into a faunas.


I felt the top of my head and felt something.

(Y/n):What am I touching?

Doctor:Your extra set of ears.

He checked on my reflexes and vitals.

Doctor:You're ok. You'll be out of here in a week or less.


Before he could leave I asked.

(Y/n):Can I see my reflection?


He gave me a mirror and I saw a cuter me.

He gave me a mirror and I saw a cuter me

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(Y/n):I look adorable!

Doctor:I'm glad you're happy looking like that, but now you need to rest.

(Y/n):Alright. Thank you.

I go to sleep happy with my new self.

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