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The next morning I wake up with an horrible headache.I'm on the floor.I get up.
When I walk trough the living room, I see Milo stretched on the stairs,his head on the floor and his legs on the last steps.He wears only his underpants.I laugh.
I continue my way till the kitchen,when I see Azail.
He said.
-How was your night on the floor?
-You're funny.
-You know what you did?
-No,tell me.
I say while I take a mug to take some coffee.
-Nothing special I'm just kidding but Milo..
He laugh.
-Yeah he did a lot of things,I said
-He almost fucked with my stepsister.
I laugh.
-It's for that that he is in underwear ? I asked
I drink my coffee.
-Do you work today?
-No I don't.Wanna hang out?
-Just let me go home take a shower and we can go.
-I'm coming it's been a while since I didn't come to your house,he said
-We gonna let Milo sleep a little bit.
I finish my coffee.
When I'm finish we go to one of Azail car and he drive us till my house.
When we arrived I take my keys and open the door.
-Welcome, I said
We go in.
He sit in my sofa while I go to my bathroom to take a shower.
When I'm finished I go out and dressed myself,take my camera and go join Azail.when I come back to the living room ,he's looking trough the window.
-What are you doing? I asked
-You have new neighbor? I've never saw her before.
-What her name.
I go to trough the window next to him hoping that he's not talking about Lily Rose,because...I don't love her,I don't even know her but I don't want anyone to have her...
When I'm next to him I'm reassured.
-It's Verose. I said
-She's wonderful..is she dating anyone?
-I don't know.
-She's gonna be mine.
He go out and run till the neighbor house,I follow him.
-Hello! He said.
-Hello, answered Verose
-I'm Azail, nice to meet you.
-Is it your coloc, she ask me
-No,just my friend.
-So Verose, are you single ? Asked Azail
-Oh that nice,do you like horror movies ?
-Yes I do.
-Perfect ! Then see you tomorrow night at 10 pm at my house for a  movie party with my friends.You can just come with Anton, he can drop you right?
-Yes I can, I said.
-Nice, see you there, he smiles
He go back to the car and I follow him.
That was so fast, I didn't understand anything.Azail isa very flirty guy,he always got every girl he wants and I never understand how he do that.
When we're in the car he said:
-You're not working tomorrow night right?
-No I don't but Milo does.
-How do you do that?
-Do what?
-I don't know I just say what I think.
-Why do you ask? You need help for a girl?
-Okay...she's Verose's coloc.
-Oh she's not alone.
-What's her name ?
-Lily Rose.
-Okay, did you already talk to her?
-Yes but I feel like she's not interested by me.
-Maybe she's not.
-Yeah, I laugh
-I think you should go ahead and try thing like, little date and stuff.She will understand and by the way she'll act,you will know if she's interested or not.
-Where do we go?
-I don't know, I wanna take some pics.
-I'll be the model !
-I know a perfect place for this.
In about 30 minutes later we arrived at a old house,it's exactly his type.I take my camera and we get out of the car.
I look at him then we go inside and he says:
-Do you like it?
-Yes, it's nice.Let's start.
He start to pose while I'm taking pictures of him ,and the landscape.
Later,when we finished to take the pictures,we sit and start to talk a bit.
-What does she look like ? He asked
-She's small.She has brown eyes and black, curly hair.Her skin is like caramel and her smile...when she smiles it's so...her smile is so sweet and her voice sounds like paradise.
-I really appreciate her company.
-Yes but there's something more.
-What do you mean ?
-You have a big crush on her.
-No I don't.
-You do!
-Okay okay but I just don't know how to deal with it.I've never really had a crush on someone, I usually just spend one night with girls and then get over it but her...she just don't want to get out of my mind.
-Don't worry,I'll help you.
-You only wanna help me cause you want her coloc
-Yes but no.
I laugh.
-No seriously, I wanna help you cause you're my friend Anton.Try your luck.
I look at him.
-I think we should go see if Milo is good, I said
-Yeah, let's go.
We go back to the car.
When we arrived at his house, we see Milo arguing with Anna.
Azail and I get out of the car really fast and go see them.
-What's wrong? Ask Azail
-Your friend tried to fuck your stepsister last night! Said Anna.
-I was drunk, I don't fucking remember this shit!
-I knew it Anna but why are you so mad? It's my stepsister.
-Yeah Anna, why is so matter huh ? Said Milo
-I never told you nothing when you were with Brad so why the fuck do you get mad when I kiss a girl.
-You kissed her? I said
-Because I love you! You're idiot!
Azail and I look at each other.
-Really? Milo said
-Then why did you date Brad last summer ?
-You never ask me and he did !
-How was I supposed to know that you love me back?!
-You love me..?
-Okay guys,listen, you love her, she loves you and your fighting for something when you don't even date each other so what's the point? Said Azail
Milo and Anna look at him, he continues :
-I think you should forget that and just date.
Milo looks at me, I smile at him the he looks back to Anna and say:
-Anna, would you like to be my girlfriend ?
-Yes silly! But if you she's flirt with another girl I will kill you!
Milo smile and they kiss.
Azail and I go back inside.
-They really make the pair, I say.
We laugh.

The girl next door Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz