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It's the next day, it's 10 am, I'm on my sofa smoking when someone knock at the door.I go to see, it's Lily.
I smile at her and let her enter in.
-Can I use your bathroom ? Mohan is monopolizes mine. She says
-Yeah of course.Mohan is the guy of yesterday?
-Yeah, she smiles
-Okay, the bathroom is the second door on the left.
She goes in the bathroom.I go back in my sofa to sit and finish my cigarette when someone knots the door again. Did I become famous without knowing it?
I go open the door, it's Milo.
-Hi Man, he says
-It's been a while, you know because I was working and not you, and I spent time with Anna , my girlfriend so I wanted to hang out.
-Yeah but...
Lily enter the room and says without seeing Milo:
-Anton where is the...
She noticed him and says:
-Hi, says Milo confused.
Milo looks at me then I says to answer the question he ask me by his look:
-Milo here's Lily my girlfriend...I say embarrassed
-Okay, I'm Milo his best friend.
-Nice to meet you.
-Same, I've heard about you a lot.
Milo smiles at me.
-Where's the what? I ask
-The soap.
-In the cupboard below the tap.
She goes back.
-Your girlfriend? Why did I didn't know about that?
-Cause as you said, it's been a while.
-How long have you been together ?
-Since yesterday man chill.
-Who knows?
-You're the first who knows officially.
-It's good to know, so you wanna hang out?
-Umh, yes
-You know what, tell Lily to come, I'll tell Anna to come too.
Milo smiles then enter the room and sit on my sofa.I sit next to him.He takes a cigarette and start to smoke it, then he takes his phone and call Anna.
Some minutes later, Anna arrived she comes in, kiss Milo, sit next to him and share the cigar with him.
Lily go out of the bathroom, and join us.
Anna stand up and go in front of Lily.
-So you're Anton girlfriend ?
-Nice to meet you, I'm Anna, I'm Milo's girlfriend.
-Oh, nice to meet you too.
-Do you want to hang out with us? I ask to Lily
-Yeah of course.
Milo stand up, put out his cigarette and says:
-Let's go then!
We go in Milo's car.
-Where do we go? ask Anna
-We'll see, just tell me to stop the car when you sera place you want to go, says Milo
-Where do you want to go Lily? Ask Anna
-I don't know...
-Where do you like to spend time? Ask Milo
-Uhm... I like to go to the museum.
-Okay, let's go there, says Milo
During the path, Anna and Lily talk a lot, I think they appreciate each other.
Later we finally arrived at a museum.Milo stop the car.
-Did you bring your camera? Ask Milo
-Nice, you'll take some pics for my insta.
I take my camera.
We take a ticket at the enter and start the visit.
I walk side by Lily and put my arm around her neck, then I whisper in her ear:
-Why the museum?
-It's calm, she answer whispering too
We smile to each other.
Milo and Anna go in the part where there is Egyptian stuff, while Lily and I go to the part where there is painting.
Lily looks passionate by the painting.
-So you're an artist ? I ask
She looks at me and smiles then says:
-I do paint when I get bored but I'm not an artist, and you are a photographer ? You didn't tell me that at our first date.
-Because I'm not, I just take some pics for fun, I wish I was a photographer but I'm not.
She looks at me then looks at the painting again.
I come close to her and put my hands on her waist, she smiles, I kiss her left shoulder then she turns back and we look at each other.
Lily smiles then she go in front of a painting says:
-Take a picture of me.
She poses, I look at her smiling then take a picture.Then she run back to me take my camera and says:
-It's your turn.
-Oh no, I take pics but I'm not in the pics, never.
-Please, just one.
I smiles then say:
I go in front of a paint then she takes the picture.Milo and Anna arrived at the same moment.
Milo looks at me shook.
-What? I say to him
-You never let anyone touch your camera..
Lily looks at Milo then looks at me and says:
-What an honor.
I smiles then Lily run in my arms.
Milo looks at me happy.
We're in the car with Milo, we dropped off Anna and Lily about 35 minutes ago.
-She nice, says Milo
-I like her and you look very happy.
-I am.
Milo smiles.
-Do you think I'm depressed ?
Milo stop the car brutally.
-What the fuck? I say
-Why Are you telling that?
-Because Carmen think it and I wanted to ask your opinion, but why the fuck did you stop the car like that?!
-Listen, Azail and I always thought that you were a bit not that fine...and we thought that too but never told you because you'll be mad.
-So you think I am?
-I think there's a possibility.
I sigh.
-You should see a psy just in case.
I look at Milo.
-Did you already told this to Lily?
-No, and if I'm really depressed I'll not tell her for the moment...
Milo hit back to the road.

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