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It's the morning , I'm in the front of a window, I see her, she's very hurt.
A nurse come and says:
-She's in a coma.
-Can I see her?
-Yes of course.
-Is she gonna be okay?
-All we have to do is wait, she probably gonna wakes up but it's not sure.
-She will.
-Let's hope.
The nurse looks at me then says:
-Talk to the patient helps a lot usually, you should try.
-Okay, I'll try.
She smiles back then goes.
I look at her, then someone touch my shoulder. I jump, it's Iza.
-What the fuck?! What are you doing here?!
-I'm here to see how you doing? She smiles
-My girlfriend is in the hospital, so I'm gonna say bad really bad.
-Oh so sad, now I have the place.
-What the fuck.
-I cleaned the space.
-What do you mean by you cleaned the space?
-I mean that I get rid of her.
-She's not a problem anymore.
-You did this?!!!
-Yes of course!
-What The fuck you're crazy!
-No, I opened your eyes, that's it.
-Open my eyes on what? The fact that you're a psychotic bitch!!
-She plays with you.
-You don't even know her!
-I do!
-Personally I mean! You're crazy!
-You almost killed my girlfriend !!
-I was sure, says Verose out of nowhere
She catch Iza and start to beat her and honestly I do t even want to stop her.
Azail arrives, he takes Verose then says:
-I'm gonna call the cops.
-What?!! No!! Screams Iza
He takes his phone and call the cops.
-Don't do that!
-Verose hold her.
-No, I'm gonna take care of her personally.
Verose looks at Azail then hold Iza's arms.
A few minutes later the police arrived and take Iza.
-We should have locked her earlier, says Verose
Milo arrives with Anna and says:
-Why is Iza arrest by the police?
-Cause she's a psychopath, says Verose
-What did she do? Asks Anna
-It's her fault if Lily is here, I say
-Are you sure? Ask Milo
-Yeah she confessed, I say
-Oh my god, says Anna
-I told you, says Verose.
Mohan arrives.
-Where's she?
-Here, I say while pointing the room.
He looks by the window then says:
-How could have this happening?!
-I don't know, I say
-You're her boyfriend you were supposed to be here for her!
-I was! Where are you?!
-...it's not your business...
-I'm sorry, what do we know? Is she gonna be okay?
-She's in a coma, we have to wait...
-Why didn't you told us?! Asks Verose
-Because you were beating Iza ass, it complicate to tell something to someone who's busy to fight.
-Yeah right, says Verose.
-What do we know more? Asks Milo
-Nothing, the nurse literally said me that we have to hope.
-I gonna make her eat her hope, says Verose
-Calm down babe, says Azail
He caress her arm.
-The nurse also said that we have to talk to her, it will help.
-We can go see her? Asks Mohan
-Did you had the time to? Asks Anna
-Go then, says Azail
-I want to see her too! Says Verose
-I know but he waited here for this all night, let him a minute and you'll go, for now you need to calm.
Verose sighs then says:
I go in the room.I look at her then come near to her and say:
-Hi Lily.
I come nearer then say:
-I'm sorry I wasn't there when this arrived... I'm so sorry...but please come back...I...I need you, Verose needs you, Mohan needs you...we all need you...
I take her hand then add:
-I called your mom, she told me that she will come, she arrives in 3 days, she also said that she was happy to hear my voice cause you talked a lot about me to her apparently.
I look at her with my blurry eyes of tears.
-I don't want you to go please...
I kiss her forehead.
Verose enter.
-My turn.
I nod and go.
Milo comes near to me:
-You're okay?
-No, but I'll do with it.
-Did you eat?
-Come with me we gonna take something.
-I'm not hungry.
-I don't care, you need to eat something, come on.
I follow him.

(Verose POV)
Lily looks very broken, I want to kill Iza and I will...
-Lily, I promise that you'll be okay, I believe in you, and for Iza this bitch, she will become my business, I know you don't want me to do like dad but just because she deserves it, I will.
-Like your dad? Says Azail while entering
I look at him surprised to see him.
-You could knock.
-What did you mean by like your dad? And what are you going to do?
-Oh it's just..my dad have some anger issues, I and do too... I say hesitating

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